I'm hanging on to my mistrust of what Bruce says to the press on this one.
Though it makes me think of his other comment on how HCL as an all-girl band was being kicked around... So! maybe it'll (IF it happens) be more like Sonia said, a nod to HCL but not necessarily a true sequel. And we'll let Brynn or someone watch it first and let the rest of us know if it should be acknowledged :p
Doesn't Bruce have, like, a kid? I would bet money he's one of those dads that says things like, "So, when your mom and I went on our honeymoon to Tibet, we were kidnapped by Yetis...who were freedom fighters for the Dalai Lama, kind of like the Wookies in Star Wars. Anyway, one of the yeti babies was scrawny and kind of bald, and they were worried that it wouldn't survive the winter when they all went up to the top of Mount Everest. So they made a deal with us: if we took the yeti baby back to Canada and protected it, they would let us go free. And that's how we got you."
ETA: On the other hand, omg, Bruce, you ass, stop pulling fandom's pigtails. NOT ALL OF THEM THEY DON'T LIKE IT.
Bruce does not. Noel has a couple. *g* And, yeah, Bruce is totally full of BS and you have to keep an eye on him. But on the other hand, "clever solutions" to your main character blowing his brains out automatically get the eyebrow, y'know?
also? hai, wait. bruce DOES have kids, i think? he may not be raising them himself, cuz...well...just cuz. but i SWEAR i read in something that he does.
According to the internet, Bruce does indeed have a bebe, whom he+partner named Charlie Yoko. Google produced this picture, AT WHICH POINT I PROBABLY SPONTANEOUSLY OVULATED, and all of Bruce's bullshitting sins were forgiven, because oh god, cute:
you know? i'm actually with sonia on this one. when i read that passage, i was DEEPLY RELIEVED. i like the idea that they aren't going to try and recreate HCL, and are instead going to riff on its themes and characters in sly ways. that makes me feel about 5632% better about these sequels. THEY ARE FANFIC. and ya know? GO BRUCE. if we can play that game with his movies, why shouldn't he? that way, whatever they are like, the movie i care about is--in some significant sense--untouched. \o/
also? I JUST LOVE HIM, and I (mostly) TRUST HIM. even gillian guess, which i'd call his campiest film? was full of subtle and interesting things.
It is fanfic, but... Z, Bruce is just so full of bullshit all the time. ♥ I don't know what to think about these things he is saying! I mean, as much as I want to see Joe again, I'm also noooooo to fixit endings because that ending was MINT, okay? Hugh done good there, and now they are fucking around. Bastards.
They're like BNFs without the interweb history, okay? Anything they do = INSTANT IMPACT, but you can't be assured of the universe integrity sometimes! Even if we don't like it it's still canon, you know? Like S3/4 of dS is canon, even if you haaaaaaaates it. /m\ Why you wanna hurt me, guys?
ilu, though. Write Bruce and tell him to stop making fangirls cry. ♥
yes, he's SO full of bullshit, agreed. but i think he knows what he has in HCL. honestly: he's super-clear on the power of the ending, on the love story, that type of thing
( ... )
Comments 38
Though it makes me think of his other comment on how HCL as an all-girl band was being kicked around... So! maybe it'll (IF it happens) be more like Sonia said, a nod to HCL but not necessarily a true sequel. And we'll let Brynn or someone watch it first and let the rest of us know if it should be acknowledged :p
We'll send an advance party. :P
This is what happens when you joss a movie 12 years after the fact. /o\
The preceeding was brought to you by LIES.
Doesn't Bruce have, like, a kid? I would bet money he's one of those dads that says things like, "So, when your mom and I went on our honeymoon to Tibet, we were kidnapped by Yetis...who were freedom fighters for the Dalai Lama, kind of like the Wookies in Star Wars. Anyway, one of the yeti babies was scrawny and kind of bald, and they were worried that it wouldn't survive the winter when they all went up to the top of Mount Everest. So they made a deal with us: if we took the yeti baby back to Canada and protected it, they would let us go free. And that's how we got you."
ETA: On the other hand, omg, Bruce, you ass, stop pulling fandom's pigtails. NOT ALL OF THEM THEY DON'T LIKE IT.
( ... )
also? I JUST LOVE HIM, and I (mostly) TRUST HIM. even gillian guess, which i'd call his campiest film? was full of subtle and interesting things.
it will ALL be okay, meres. &hearts
They're like BNFs without the interweb history, okay? Anything they do = INSTANT IMPACT, but you can't be assured of the universe integrity sometimes! Even if we don't like it it's still canon, you know? Like S3/4 of dS is canon, even if you haaaaaaaates it. /m\ Why you wanna hurt me, guys?
ilu, though. Write Bruce and tell him to stop making fangirls cry. ♥
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