The only way to succintly convey my feelings right now is ARGH.

Aug 31, 2011 20:13

You guys, 90% of the science for August and the time I put into it is for shit. Nothing works and now September is upon me and I have WEEKS of work to get right and the rat-bastards have seen fit to give me a TAship in my FINAL TERM. Eight hours of lab supervision a week plus marking and suchwhat, all designed to fuck up my schedule as much as ( Read more... )

unforgivable whining, my life is so exciting, i like tags, do not want, argh, drunk, fuck my life, haaaaaaaate, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, i want another degree for some reason, i sort of fail at adulthood sometimes?, andrew garfield what is your everything, rl

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Comments 13

_unhurt_ September 1 2011, 00:21:01 UTC
:( i am up too late and going to bed so can be of little help, but: DAMN THEM ALL. (esp. the undergrads). *pets you and sends more beer*


meresy September 1 2011, 01:10:04 UTC



dugrival September 1 2011, 00:59:23 UTC
Oh noes! Goddammit, academia. MERES HAS NORTHERN BLOTS TO DO. I have no idea what that means. But it sounds important.

Jesse is either sad for you or plotting some sort of revenge on your behalf, tough to say:

... )


meresy September 1 2011, 01:13:19 UTC
Why IS Andrew wearing slippers? He is a mystery of the universe.

(LOL, JT, how extraneous do you feel? #foreveralone)

Also, you should probably watch THIS again. Because damn.

Which is the only appropriate response. Daaaaaaaaamn.

*feels a little better about the world* Thank you.


dugrival September 1 2011, 01:28:30 UTC
I think maybe Jesse stole and hid his shoes to tease him about owning old-man slippers in the first place. And Andrew decided to just roll with it and hopefully start a new trend. That or he lost a bet.

Ahahaha, Justin. Why are you even THERE?


dugrival September 6 2011, 00:51:12 UTC
P.S. OMG, Andrew "I puked in Prince's toilet!" Garfield. Ahahahaha OH, ANDREW. I'm so happy for you! I think.


innocentsmith September 1 2011, 02:26:09 UTC

brynnmck September 1 2011, 03:22:05 UTC
ARGH. I am sorry, Meres! *squishes you*


luzula September 1 2011, 07:10:58 UTC
Academia-related frustration, I so get it! *sympathizes*


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