The only way to succintly convey my feelings right now is ARGH.

Aug 31, 2011 20:13

You guys, 90% of the science for August and the time I put into it is for shit. Nothing works and now September is upon me and I have WEEKS of work to get right and the rat-bastards have seen fit to give me a TAship in my FINAL TERM. Eight hours of lab supervision a week plus marking and suchwhat, all designed to fuck up my schedule as much as possible. ASSHOLES I HAVE NORTHERN BLOTS TO DO.

Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to undergraduates. *sneezes* It might be ragweed, but I'm going with undergrads.

The only (short term) solace to be founds is in things like this, thesocialbbang, my upcoming four-day weekend and the three pints I consumed with dinner.

Flist? I am not in a good mood. Tell me about nice things. dugrival, picspam me, please. *is demanding and whiny*

unforgivable whining, my life is so exciting, i like tags, do not want, argh, drunk, fuck my life, haaaaaaaate, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, i want another degree for some reason, i sort of fail at adulthood sometimes?, andrew garfield what is your everything, rl

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