utterly pointless Saturday spam, hello!

Aug 06, 2011 16:08

Woke up at 1:30pm today, like a boss. It's possible I stayed up until, like 3am reading yet more TSN fic, and not even new fic, but a re-reading of Buyer's Remorse which may be my favourite fic so far.

Or maybe it's this WIP, Set Yourself On Fire, which is a SPN/TSN crossover and two great tastes that taste great together. I'm waiting for someone ( Read more... )

music, my life is so exciting, flailing, i like tags, squee, look at this!, special hell, silly, andrew garfield what is your everything, recs, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork, idek, fannish, tsn gives me a meta headache, movies, segues are for the weak

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Comments 48

rosiespark August 6 2011, 20:41:53 UTC
Yay, Andrew Garfield! \o/

I thought Never Let Me Go was both relentlessly and pointlessly depressing. I 'm still not sure quite why I disliked it so much. Possibly because the characters are so passive and didn't seem like real people to me. I did cry but felt I'd been manipulated. Hmph. I quite understand your reluctance to watch it!

Absolutely heartbreaking but somehow not as pointless or relentless (to me, at least) is Boy A. Needless to say, Andrew Garfield is brilliant.


meresy August 6 2011, 20:51:58 UTC
Boy A was next on the list, since it seemed to be one of those things that made his name for him pre-TSN. *investigates*

As for NLMG... the premise is just. Well, I like a good cry now and then, but there are some things that are, right, just manipulative. And relentless angst doesn't appeal at the moment.

HI HELLO. I feel like I haven't seen you on these internets in aaaaaaaaages. How's things?


rosiespark August 6 2011, 22:04:43 UTC
HELLOOOOOO! ::waves::

I mostly lurk these days, and occasionally comment when I'm feeling adventurous. ;)

Let me know what you think of Boy A. Oh, and if you need help getting hold of it, I believe something can be arranged...


meresy August 6 2011, 22:13:54 UTC
Lurking is a totally valid choice! I've been doing that a lot myself.

I found a good torrent link, so thankee. Sounds like the internet agrees it is a v. good film, so I am looking forward...


_unhurt_ August 6 2011, 21:53:06 UTC
In conclusion: his Bambi-eyed hipster babies, I would bear them.

imagery: now cackling and petting you.

... i must actually watch TSN at some point, huh?


meresy August 6 2011, 22:03:46 UTC
You are the last person to judge, Ms. Amazing Fangirl Crush Choices.

YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT OMG. Fannishness aside, it's really very well done, and if it wasn't for Colin Firth-featuring period film Oscar Bait, Jesse Eisenberg would have won Best Actor so much.



_unhurt_ August 6 2011, 22:06:51 UTC
i don't know what you can POSSIBLY be implying about my classically handsome and totally usual stable of crushes. *dignified*

MA'AM! (i am actually WATCHING STUFF these days, so it may in fact come to pass!)

Colin Firth-featuring period film Oscar Bait

heh. it is like a formula!


meresy August 6 2011, 22:20:39 UTC
At least you don't have to fend off too much competition? *ducks*

Watching Stuff is fun! I am also catching up on some things, since I fail at going to the theatre and have seen, like, none of the movies that inform most people's pop cultural lives. *shrugs*

It IS a formula. Or a protocol. Step one: Colin Firth. Step two: cravats and/or top hats. Step three: ??? Step Four: PROFIT.


dugrival August 6 2011, 23:54:40 UTC
Hello, I am really not here right now, but I very quickly need to say that OMG I am so STUPIDLY excited for 30 Minutes or Less. I WANT IT NOW. My expectations are pretty low, I'm kind of expecting the same degrees of half-assed, obnoxious and actually funny as Zombieland, but Zombieland was totally worth it! So yeah. Also, the first trailer sold me on it at about 1:12 because of JESSE'S LITTLE FACE. Breaking news: Jesse's face is in this movie and I want to see it! (Also, DRIVING)

And I also need to say WOOOORD on the review of NLMG above, except that it didn't make me cry, it just made me roll my eyes and check the time a lot. Two hours of my life that I would really like back. I'm sorry, Andrew!

Okay. I will be back later because, crazily enough, I HAVE MANY THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THIS POST. *loves* *scampers away*


meresy August 7 2011, 00:02:01 UTC
Noooooooooo, come back here now! *clings to your leg*

Right? The little trailer came on my TV randomly and I was like "OMG what that actual fuck--OMG HEY THAT IS JESSE. HEY JESSE HEEEEY." Because right? His face. And he promised us he would try not to be in stupid movies. I don't believe him, but you're right that it may turn to the hilaritizing kind of bad like ZL.

Right, avoiding overwrought angstfests. \m/

*chases you*


meresy August 7 2011, 00:21:34 UTC
P.S. LOOOOL what even is that trailer. That actually looks stupidly amusing, and also JESSE, you keep on slouching around in jeans, bb, it's a good look.


dugrival August 7 2011, 03:46:38 UTC
JESSE, you keep on slouching around in jeans, bb, it's a good look.OMG RIGHT?? We're going to get to see Jesse's idea of a totally laid-back cool dude! It is going to be very interesting. And by interesting I mean hot. Also, the movie is only 83 minutes long. A runtime after my own heart ( ... )


umbrella_half August 8 2011, 15:15:58 UTC

his Bambi-eyed hipster babies, I would bear them.

You are my favourite dork, Meres. ♥

I've not seen the film, but Never Let Me Go (A book I read almost in its entirety while stuck on a broken-down train between Yorkshire (distressing lack of tiney-tiny 70s briefs) and London) is a really beautifully written book - I think Ishiguro's got this really amazing talent for writing voices and making very believable scenarios, but it's also depressing as all heck.


meresy August 8 2011, 22:49:30 UTC

I don't know what you mean about me being a dork. *shifty*

... Oh, it's in a tag. And, like, my everything. Alas. :D

If I am on the lookout for a depressing-ass book, I may give it a go! And reaction to the film seems to be mixed, though I have to say most of the positive opinions seem to come from starry-eyed AGarf fangirls, so that may not be the best endorsement. (Not judging, of course, I HAVE consumed most of Callum Keith Rennie's ouevre, after all. =/)

HI HELLO. How are you? Are things less angstful over there? I'm sorry I'm a terrible person who STILL has not sent you anything in the mail. :(


umbrella_half August 9 2011, 18:32:27 UTC

It is a super depressing-ass book! And WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, Callum Keith Rennie's ouevre is FLAWLESS and WITHOUT EQUAL. Uhm. And by 'ouevre' I mean 'stubble-coated old man face'. Meres, I still have such a crush on the man. He's now less than double my age, so it's totes appropriate. \o?

And HELLO. I have a cold but otherwise I'm GOOD. School is OVER for summer and I am holiday. \u/ I should probably update with, y'know, content at some point.


meresy August 9 2011, 21:39:04 UTC
LOL, my crush on Callum has waned somewhat, but Ray Kowalski will always be my TV boyfriend, for real. I cannot judge you. ♥

I am making more age-appropriate fangirling choices, now! *proud of myself haha*

I'm glad you are GOOD, yayaye! ♥


bingbulette August 8 2011, 17:47:00 UTC
Yaaaaaaaaaay, TSN! I want everyone to be in this fandom, because there hasn't been a fandom that has made me this happy in a long time! ♥

I call Red Riding "the one where they punched beauty in the face." :( That movie was so depressing, it was really hard to watch. Except for the teeny-tine briefs scene, that one wasn't exactly a burden to watch. +g+


meresy August 8 2011, 22:58:20 UTC
:D :D :D

A wild TSN fangirl appears in my corner of the El Jay! *beams at you*

And I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. I mean, it's so full of the worst kind of creeping meta and socio-emotionally constipated nerdboys (like I don't get enough of those in my LIFE) and YET. It's their little FACES, I can't deal.

"the one where they punched beauty in the face."

EXACTLY. How could they, look at his stupid Bambi eyes and how soulless must you be to want to hurt that?

Andrew's film choices just lead me to believe he's just an angstmuffin irl, contrary to his dorky-smiling exterior. Three out of four movies on my radar end in suicide. 75%! And the other one ends in Wardo, so, really. So much paaaaain he has to emote, poor bb. And now he's in the Twilight remake of Spider-Man. Emo everywhere. *pets him*

... And, yeah, strangely I have no prbolem watching him in underwear, or acting out his o-face. Strange, that.


bingbulette August 9 2011, 06:14:06 UTC
A wild TSN fangirl appears in my corner of the El Jay! *beams at you*
Hahaha, whoops! I actually friended you quiiiite some time ago, because of due South, but I'm usually a lurking lurker who lurks. I don't know what it is about TSN that makes me not able to contain myself. :D

Andrew's film choices just lead me to believe he's just an angstmuffin irl
Oh God, I once read an interview with him, where his explanation was basically "I just have all these feelings!!!", I cannot handle his ridiculous self! +flaps hands about+

And now he's in the Twilight remake of Spider-Man.
Oh God! That's exactly what it is! Why have I not seen this until now! Hahaha, moment of total revelation. xD


meresy August 9 2011, 15:39:43 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you came out of lurking. I have friended you back to see more uncontained TSN love on my flist. :D I see you post from DW, mostly, shall we be friends there also so I can comment all over your stuff? :D?

Sorry, I am excited about having more flisties to share my squee with.


Hahaha, moment of total revelation.

lololol, I can't take credit for that one. dugrival alerted me to the teenage emo aesthetic they've got going on over there.

P.S. Excuse me while I love all over your icon. His little faaaaace. *needs proper Jesse icons*


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