This radio silence broken to bring you annoying whining about the weather

Jul 21, 2011 16:25

Forty-nine degrees.




I am going to die. I am far too much of a delicate Canadian snowflake to withstand this kind of environmental insult to my system.



unforgivable whining, do not want, nature hates me, talking about the weather again, drive-by, haaaaaaaate, no value

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Comments 40

zabira July 21 2011, 20:26:36 UTC
come to seattle! it's pouring down rain and barely 15 degrees.


climate change is SO FUN.


meresy July 21 2011, 20:30:44 UTC
Zabira, I will give you at least 25 of these degrees. FOR FREE. I want them taken off my hands.


(Man, could we ever use that rain. Every blade of grass is fried dead and the North of the province is ON FIRE.)


catwalksalone July 21 2011, 20:32:54 UTC
come heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere! we are a dldelightful tempereatrue! alos we have had ALLL THE RAIN IN HTE WHOLLLLLLLLLLLLLE WRDLD in the last few aydas. HI! I habe ben drinkingg. you would neveeer know, irhgt?


meresy July 21 2011, 20:50:57 UTC
Drunk on a Wednesday, Cat? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. (And jealous. I could go for a cold drink right now omg.)

I will visit because YOU a delightful, in addition to your climate.


catwalksalone July 21 2011, 20:53:24 UTC
It is not a weeddnesday! it iss a thurdsday! and also i am on hoilday for SIXX WEEKS ffrom otday so DRININGKING!

i would bee happyy to havee you in my house undere ANAY climatteeuslar cuircumstances!


_unhurt_ July 21 2011, 20:55:07 UTC
why, i think i will have a beer in your honour!


malnpudl July 21 2011, 20:39:34 UTC
I'll take ten of those degrees off your hands. In fact, I'll beg for them.

Silly big round planetary climate.


meresy July 21 2011, 20:53:11 UTC
*gives them over omg*

OMG, Mal is heat is hideous. And humid. So much humidity. It's like trying to breathe soup.


malnpudl July 22 2011, 01:56:08 UTC
Wet heat is UNBEARABLE. I'd take 105F dry over 85F humid any day. In a heartbeat.

*passes ice packs and cold drinks*

ETA: Wait, that converts to 120F??? *aghast*

Is your local power supplier holding up? Can you use your A/C? Have there been brown-outs or black-outs?

*horrified sympathy*


meresy July 22 2011, 02:12:43 UTC
It's not that hot any more, but it WAS and that's bad enough. Augh.

Power is okay. I was going to say there'd been no problems at all, but of course just as I was typing that there was a one-second outage and it ate my comment. So I'm going to not say anything. *knocks wood*

My aircon is chugging away no problem, but it hasn't turned itself off all evening. It's got its work cut out.

The heat index is still 45C (113F) at 10pm and I would be CRANKY MERES without a/c. Blargh. In fact, I would be across the street trying to nap in the frozen section of the 24hr grocery.


_unhurt_ July 21 2011, 20:55:47 UTC
forty WHAT now?

good lord.

um. *sends ice*


meresy July 21 2011, 21:00:48 UTC
I would much rather it be 49F. That I can deal with.

*puts ice in bathtub and hops in*


_unhurt_ July 21 2011, 21:13:38 UTC
i realise this show is allll i have posted about for about 36 hours - but here is a nice song about frozen wastelands. psychological cooling?


_unhurt_ July 21 2011, 21:18:08 UTC
p.s. this would be a bad time to tell you i just lit a fire in the stove because it's been chilly in the house all day, wouldn't it?


lamentables July 21 2011, 20:57:52 UTC
Wow, that is about 4C more than the max I've experienced, and 45C was freaky & enervating. So much sympathy.


meresy July 21 2011, 21:03:17 UTC
I don't think I even remember it being this hot before (I'm sure it's been close, but something about knowing the number makes it WORSE.)

It's just so so so uncomfortable. D:


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