Fannish things, funny things...

Jul 14, 2009 13:34

I bring you linky!

1. As seen all over your flist, Paul and Callum are nostalgically adorable:

"We have to actually stop each other and say we should do some work now, because it gets goofy," Gross said of his on-set camaraderie with Rennie ( Read more... )

paul @#$%! gross, article, durham county, \o/, squee, look at this!, ckr, film, bruce mcdonald, c6d, silly, cbc, don mckellar, tv

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Comments 45

rchelsea2005 July 14 2009, 17:52:38 UTC
"We have to actually stop each other and say we should do some work now, because it gets goofy," Gross said of his on-set camaraderie with Rennie.

"We spent a long time together on 'Due South' so that stuff keeps coming back, all these stupid things we used to do on 'Due South' we started doing again on set. And of course, nobody knows what we're doing and I think we look like fools."

Umm...can I just say




meresy July 14 2009, 19:14:12 UTC
I know right? ♥_♥


rchelsea2005 July 14 2009, 19:43:09 UTC
Why must they be so CUHUHUHUTTTEEE? D:


akamine_chan July 14 2009, 18:17:28 UTC
"We have to actually stop each other and say we should do some work now, because it gets goofy," Gross said of his on-set camaraderie with Rennie.

"We spent a long time together on 'Due South' so that stuff keeps coming back, all these stupid things we used to do on 'Due South' we started doing again on set. And of course, nobody knows what we're doing and I think we look like fools."

This makes me feel so sappy and misty-eyes and fuzzy inside. BOYS! Oh, meres, what I'd give for a due South reunion show...*g*


meresy July 14 2009, 19:14:33 UTC
Right? It's just so... Bwee!


rchelsea2005 July 14 2009, 19:57:38 UTC
Oh, meres, what I'd give for a due South reunion show...

Don't even joke you cruel, cruel person :P
What we all wouldn't give, my friend.


akamine_chan July 14 2009, 20:01:21 UTC
But it's giving me all kinds of lovely ideas about for the PG/CKR story I've been thinking about writing for a year now..


brigantine July 14 2009, 18:22:16 UTC
1. That annoying, high-pitched squeaking you hear is... well, I'd say I'm sorry, 'cept I'm not. ♥

Also: Bruce/Don/Meres For Great Win! \o/


meresy July 14 2009, 19:14:57 UTC
\o/ \o/ \o/


inathunderstorm July 14 2009, 18:47:26 UTC

Sorry, it had to be said.

And AWWW Paul and Callum! ::smishes them:: I totally want Callum on Durham County so that I can make Ray/Mike icons. And squee. A lot.

Also those twitters are FUNNY lol. :DD

I love the Flashpoint guy! He's kind of adorable. He answers Twitters, but I'm too lol n00b to send him one eeek.


meresy July 14 2009, 19:16:11 UTC
Callum would so be at home on Durham County. He could be as crazyface as ever and no one would even blink at the character. *g*

It's be hilare if he was cast as a white hat, actualy. :D


inathunderstorm July 14 2009, 19:19:11 UTC
Seriously, maybe he'd be all, innocent and sweet. LOL. That would make me laugh.

I think if I am ever going to move to Canada (if we get Sarah Palin/Rush Limbaugh for our next administration, can Eric and Kristen and I stay with you while we immigrate? :D?) I am NOT moving to Durham County. Because I would either get killed or stare obsessively at Mike Sweeney lol.


meresy July 14 2009, 19:21:47 UTC
He'd probably get killed off, either way.

You should totes move to Canada omg. You can live in my closet like dead!Bob?

And I hate to say it, bb, but there is no actual Mike Sweeney in Durham. It is a total power line corridor, though. Dangit, Pickering!


starfishchick July 14 2009, 19:00:20 UTC
that stuff keeps coming back, all these stupid things we used to do on 'Due South' we started doing again on set. And of course, nobody knows what we're doing and I think we look like fools."



meresy July 14 2009, 19:17:01 UTC
*draws hearts around them*

I'm sure it's completely goofy. I demand a gag reel.


rchelsea2005 July 14 2009, 19:54:48 UTC
I am literally picturing that drawing.

"PG+CKR 4 EVAR!", and they'd have like maple leaves on their shirts, and CKR's maple leaf would look a bit like it was giving the finger...


n-n-no one else is picturing that?
so...just me, then?


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