dS/C6D Porn tag!

May 02, 2009 13:43

Okay, so, a while ago I formed the notion that as there needs to be more C6D porn about, there ought to be some kind of challenge for it. After all, it is Spring here in this hemisphere, so the birds are doing it, the flowers are even doing it, so why not, say, Fraser and Ray?

So! I bring you a tag game. Thanks go to Ms. china_shop for giving these regulations a look, as I am brand new to herding cats running fic challenges.



1. Read the procedure list and the rules list.
2. Sign up by leaving a comment on this post indicating your willingness to porn for an audience. Please note any days you won't be available for tagging, if applicable. Closed! Tagging has begun.
3. When sign up is complete (Sunday evening EDT *handwaves*), I will tag someone to start us off by replying to their sign-up comment with a prompt.
4. Please acknowledge your tag by replying as soon as possible! (If it seems someone has gone missing, I shall pass the tag on myself.)
5. You will have 24 hours from the time of the tag to write PORN, else you must pass the tag on.
6. The porn should be posted in an unlocked post.
7. The participant who has completed their fic shall then tag a new person in the sign-up post by replying to their comment, and leave them a short prompt (a word or a short phrase or line of dialogue).

I will then strike through your name on the participant list and add a link to your porn so people can see who has completed their fic. After the challenge is complete, I will link the list of fic to ds_noticeboard.


1. Fic should be at least 300 words long, preferably porny in nature. There is no upper word limit.
2. Fic may be in any C6D fandom, including RPF/S, any character/pairing/threesome/polygon.
3. Fic must be posted within 24 hours of the tag. If you cannot meet that deadline, let me know ASAP.
4. Fic should be posted in an unlocked post for linking.
5. Getting a beta is encouraged, but not mandatory as it is a 24-hour turnaround.
6. Please include fandom/pairing/rating info and any warnings as appropriate on your fic post.
7. Prompts are for your inspiration, but inclusion is not compulsory.



slidellra - Untitled, Due South, Ray/Ray, NC-17
sionnain - I Raised an Army of Pickpocketing Squirrels!, Twitch City, Curtis/Hope/Newbie, NC-17
malnpudl - Interlude Due South/DaVinci's Inquest crossover, Fraser/Bobby Marlowe, F/K, NC-17
llassah - Parched, HCL, girl!Billy/Joe, NC-17
isiscolo - Just Different, Wilby crossover, Emily/?, NC-17
atrata - That Late I Led, Slings & Arrows, Geoffrey/Ellen, NC-17
snoopypez - we dance to the tempo that pleases me, Due South, Ray/Ray, R
luzula - Shared Warmth, Due South, F/K, R
faycequevoudras - Between Takes RPS, HD/CKR, R
spuffyduds - Moving In, Due South, F/K, NC-17
nos4a2no9 - Dream A Little Dream - Due South, F/K, NC-17
kanzenhanzai - Dillon, CKR/other, RPS, R
sageness - Out, Having It, Due South, Ray/Ray, NC-17
petronelle - Grace and a cod-piece, Slings & Arrows, Geoffrey/Darren, NC-17
lamentables - Left and Leaving Wilby Wonderful, young Buddy/Duck, PG-13
belmanoir - Late have I loved you, Due South, Stella/Mackenzie King, NC-17


Have at! Leave your comment on this post to play, and watch for your tags! \m/

c6d porn tag, c6d, \o/, fic, due south

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