Weather! Hatechu.

Dec 17, 2008 13:11

It is going to snow and snow, you guys. Five centimetres last night, more tonight, tomorrow, 15-20cm on Friday and 15 again on Sunday. Make vacation difficult for EVERYONE geez, weather. Plus all the snow tires are gone to Quebec. We are fucked. *hides under a blanket and is glad she's not flying places ( Read more... )

sionn probably needs her own tag now, recs, politics, talking about the weather again, wtf, hard core logo

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Comments 8

nos4a2no9 December 17 2008, 18:26:13 UTC
Oh regionalism indeed. It amuses me because everyone in Alberta is from BC, the Maritimes, or Ontario. (Well, okay, probably at least half). Why must they be hatin'?

Stupid snow. Grrrr. I'm just glad I don't have to leave the house for any reason at all today! *wraps self in blanket and snuggles down with a cup of tea*

Yay recs!


meresy December 17 2008, 18:30:45 UTC
I know, right? And, like, why the inability to do math? I mean, sorry about your life, but even if I DO move to Alberta Ontario still has more people in it. If we move Ottawa to Alberta it still does. Adjusting numbers to reflect that isn't a swipe at you. Um, hi there, democracy and Grade Three math.

Don't hate. Don't hate.

*envies your blanket fort*



inathunderstorm December 17 2008, 18:35:03 UTC
Your Canadian politics FASCINATE me. Alberta is the Texas of Canada? This is all very interesting!!

Also, ahh! ::hands:: I'm all blushy, both at the rec (thank you!) the lovely compliment (thank you again!) and the fact I get my own tag! ::beams::


meresy December 17 2008, 18:42:27 UTC
Yep -- big hats, ranching, oil, right-wing politics... Texas of Canada!

*twirls you*


inathunderstorm December 17 2008, 18:55:23 UTC
...IT IS! Is your Robotic Evil Overlord from there, perchance?

::is twirled::


meresy December 18 2008, 20:21:26 UTC

But no, he's native Torontonian, he just moved to Alberta later in life.

He's a Calgary politician, though! That might mean something. :P


_unhurt_ December 17 2008, 22:41:22 UTC
It's tough being the Texas of Canada, I guess.



meresy December 18 2008, 03:11:15 UTC


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