Spaiku (Open Grave Edition).

Apr 23, 2008 21:30

How many haiku can one write about Spike doing a faceplant into an open grave? Quite a few, apparently. Here are the five I've limited myself to posting. BtVS, S5, "Out of My Mind" intro. R for profanity. As always, thanks to Mister Beta for his input.

Statement of intent:
I will know your blood, Slayer.
Pride before a fall . . .

Spins around, strides off,
seething with machinations--
trips on his hubris.

Revenge fantasy
of blood, necks, and chalices
cut abruptly short.

Oww!! Fucking hell!
Another perfect exit
undermined by farce.

Grave epiphany:
should have sidestepped the pitfall
of monologuing.

spaiku, out of my mind, btvs: s5, btvs: spike

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