Public Service Annoucement

May 19, 2011 22:02

1) I will be doing a friends cut this weekend.  My flist is getting too big with people that I never interact with.  Plus, I'm in a new fandom.  If you get cut don't take it personally.  It's all cool.  I'm not going to cut anyone that I know personally but if we met at some fandom friend-finder and never talk, I just might cut. If you think you ( Read more... )

eeek!, update, episode

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Comments 23

torra May 20 2011, 05:25:23 UTC
::draws hearts around you and Hottie Teacher:: I still say the MOMENT you get your final grade back, and he's OFFICALY no longer your teacher, you GO FOR IT, GIRL! At least take the risk! If not, you'll never see him again if you don't want, but if it works? Dude, HOTTIE TEACHER FOR LIFE!



mercury973 May 20 2011, 05:48:18 UTC
I just gotta confirm or not if HT is straight. If not- not a deal breaker.


morelenmir May 20 2011, 05:50:49 UTC
Eh, I'm hiding from the internet tomorrow as well.

Methinks your teach is hinting at things. Hottie Teacher + you = hearts in my eyes forever! :D


mercury973 May 20 2011, 05:53:59 UTC
If all else fails, there is this cute guy in the math lab who I make eye contact with often. He was at the table next to mine. I was talking to my table about how some think the end of the world will be on Saturday. Then we were talking about the Zombie Apocalypse and they asked me what I would do. I say "I would head to the Winchester!" He starts laughing and he told me that was a great answer.

Plus, he's cute. Not as cute as HT, but still cute


morelenmir May 20 2011, 05:58:50 UTC
Hurrah for an alternative! And a good sense of humor too...


mercury973 May 20 2011, 12:25:36 UTC
And I think he's around my age. Us old fuddy-duddys at night college LOL


rasah May 20 2011, 09:53:44 UTC
LOL at number 3 :D


mercury973 May 20 2011, 12:21:57 UTC
Nice smelling math nerds are precious, you know....


kimberlyfdr May 20 2011, 11:16:37 UTC
I'm going to be offline throughout the finale, too. I literally don't know anything that's going to happen AT ALL and that makes me really excited :D


mercury973 May 20 2011, 12:22:50 UTC
I'm usually all about spoilers, but I kept myself away from most spoilers for this one. I still haven't been able to rewatch the last episode, so I know it's gonna break my heart.


twisting_vine_x May 20 2011, 11:19:44 UTC
I'm in Indonesia at the moment, and since watching the finale alone here would gut me in ways I probably cannot deal with, I'm holding off until I get back to Canada in a couple of weeks, and am snuggled into my TV room with my sister/SPN comrade in arms...

Staying away from twitter and LJ for two weeks is going to be painful, but I'm too spoilerphobic to risk it.



mercury973 May 20 2011, 12:23:42 UTC
TWO WEEKS? That will be some awesome willpower! You know by this time tomorrow, it's gonna be all over everything. Wow!


twisting_vine_x May 20 2011, 13:29:06 UTC
You know by this time tomorrow, it's gonna be all over everything.

Yeeeeeah, about that. Won't be going on twitter or checking my LJ flist, and I've temporarily 'unliked' anything Supernatural-related on facebook...

Sigh. :(

As for the willpower thing - I hope I can hold out. Watching it alone would kill me, but the next two weeks might still manage to kinda destroy my soul.


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