Public Service Annoucement

May 19, 2011 22:02

1) I will be doing a friends cut this weekend.  My flist is getting too big with people that I never interact with.  Plus, I'm in a new fandom.  If you get cut don't take it personally.  It's all cool.  I'm not going to cut anyone that I know personally but if we met at some fandom friend-finder and never talk, I just might cut. If you think you might be on that list and don't want to be cut, let me know.  Again, no one I've met in RL will be cut.  I'm just in a different fandom now and want to widdle down what little free time I have to devote to LJ.

2) I will be going off the grid tomorrow.  I'll be checking LJ around 5am but I cannot access LJ from work. Same with Tumblr. I will not be checking Twitter at all after 5pm. I'm in the wrong time zone to actually do the Misha-Fest but I will be watching the season finale at 8pm. I will be back online at 10pm

3) My teacher smelled really good tonight.  I dunno if it's the soap or maybe he used cologne, but good gravy.

eeek!, update, episode

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