Harry Potter Fanfic:A Protest Against The High Inquisitor

Oct 09, 2011 01:22

Title: A Protest Against The High Inquisitor
Author: meowbooks
Rating: G
Word Count: 387
Disclaimer: J.K.Rowling wins chocolate chip cookies.
Summary: Luna Lovegood protests against Umbridge by writing an opinion article for The Quibbler.

Quibbler Opinion Guest Article: A Protest Against The High Inquisitor
I, Luna Lovegood, a fourth-year Ravenclaw am currently appalled at the narrow-mindedness of the Hogwarts High Inquisitor Dolores Umbridge.I thought I’d try to organize a peaceful,non-destructive, protest against the recent educational decrees and High Inquisitor, but realized organizing such a group would be in violation of Educational Decree 24 which bans groups of 3 or more students from gathering without the approval of the High Inquisitor. I doubt she would approve of a protest against herself. I have yet to ask her, but I am not optimistic.

For years, she has been very vocal in her disapproval of this publication and it’s willingness to allow many to express their thoughts and feelings. I know many people who simply don’t understand the Quibbler and so could be forgiven, but the cruelty with which she has railed against this publication has been uncalled for.

I would seek advice from my head of house or one of my professors on how best to respectfully present my issues with the decrees, but Decree 26 forbids them from giving out information on anything besides the subjects they were hired to teach. This is quite a shame. The most important, intriguing, and fascinating lessons I’ve learned from my teachers have not been listed on a syllabus.

Hogwarts is home to students and professors for much of the year. I remember my first year when everything was so large and strange and wonderful, but also a bit frightening. I don’t think I would’ve overcome my homesickness quite as well if I couldn’t have spoken to Prof. Flitwick about how I missed the reassuring rhythm of the Quibbler printing press churning into the deepest parts of night.

My professors are now forced to silently smile in greeting or silence conversation amongst themselves if I pass to avoid informing me on a subject outside of their specialties.

The High Inquisitor is creating an uneasy environment that makes learning and self-expression difficult. The desire of students and professors alike is for Hogwarts to be a safe, welcoming, place not one of silence and restriction.

I, Luna Lovegood, being of sound mind free from wrackspurts and the distraction of nargles write this opinion article having full knowledge of Educational Decree 25 which states the High Inquisitor is free to punish me or expel me as she sees fit.

Author's Note: I'm not sure if this will be part of a larger fic or not. And if you're wondering why Luna wasn't expelled, in my head this was written before Harry was interviewed for the Quibbler. I can't see Umbridge reading the Quibbler for recreational purposes. This was written for a Luna Lovegood RP blogging deal on tumblr.

luna lovegood rp, harry potter, hp fanfiction

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