Meowbooks' Harry Potter Fanfiction

Oct 09, 2011 01:42

Title: Welcome Home
Author: meowbooks 
Rating: G
Word Count: 151
Summary: A next-generation drabble for madkatstar_pir8.

Title: The Boy Who Lived
Author: meowbooks 
Rating: G
Word Count: 47
Disclaimer: J.K.Rowling wins Christmas cookies.
Summary: A short poem about the Boy Who Lived. I wrote this a while back, but never posted it on LJ. Spoilers for Book Seven!

Title: A Protest Against The High Inquisitor
Author:  meowbooks
Rating: G
Word Count: 387
Disclaimer: J.K.Rowling wins chocolate chip cookies.
Summary: Luna Lovegood protests against Umbridge by writing an opinion article for The Quibbler.

Title: The Wizard Resistance Chronicles #1 River
Author: meowbooks
Rating: PG
Word Count: 255
Summary: Lee Jordan has always known words are powerful, but he hasn't appreciated just how powerful until now.

fanfiction, harry potter, hp fanfiction

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