Doctor Who Fanfic:Cupcake

Mar 25, 2010 04:17

Title: Cupcake
Rating: PG
Words: 256
Genre: Humor
Characters: Rose,10.5,10
Disclaimer: The Doctor belongs to himself. The Doctor stuck with Rose in another universe has inherited something from Donna's genes...

“What?”The brown-haired man stared at the piece of paper in his hands a look of stunned horror on his freckled face. “No,no,no…,”he moaned sinking into his chair. "It isn’t fair."

Rose plopped herself next to him, peered over his shoulder, giggled, and snatched the paper from his hands. She glanced at it once more before smiling and resting her head on his shoulder. “Oh, does the Doctor need a doctor?”

His stay in Pete’s Universe had been quite blissful-minus the more life threatening situations they had scrapped by-until this moment. He stood up, started pacing and ran his fingers through his hair, “But Time Lords don’t have diabetes-”He stopped and uttered the next phrase seeping with accusation.”Donna.”

Rose sat up. “You mean?” She started giggling again. “This-this is- is fantastic.”

“Oh, oh, yes,” nodded the Doctor. He was not amused. “Use that phrase against me. Ugh!Human diseases.If we were on Gallifrey…”

“They’d have a laugh up there too, wouldn’t they?” laughed Rose. The Doctor strode towards the door.

“Where are you going?”

“To have a word with the other me.”


The TARDIS monitor flickered momentarily and cleared revealing the scowling image of the other Doctor. Ten leaned forward, resting his elbow on the console. “You’re not supposed to be here or on this screen.”

The other him scowled deeper and folded his arms. “Donna gave me diabetes. I hope you’re happy.” The other him broke the connection.

“A bit, yeah."Ten smirked before rushing towards the TARDIS stairs. "This calls for a celebratory cupcake!

doctorwho, dw fanfiction, 10

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