Hello, Hello, Eleven! (Spoilers)

Mar 28, 2010 19:36

I'm excited for Eleven. I am. I'm still not over Ten and Nine and Eight and...well, that's the pattern, but I am excited.
Here is a handy list of reasons why:

-Ten's recent troubles were stacked up on top of all the tragedies his previous regenerations had. I don't see how he could have truly recovered the lovely, fun, spark he had. He had to witness the insanity of the changed Time Lords all over again. Ten may not have wanted to go and yes, he could have done so much more, but how much of that would be genuine happiness?
-Bowtie-It screams slightly mad professor and it reminds me of Ducky from NCIS.
 I'm quite psyched about the different style of lighting--it looks darker and a bit spooky.
- Matt Smith wrote fanfiction during his months in not quite new,new,new Doctor limbo. That's not directly related to 11, but it helped him process ideas about his character. (Source:SFX's "Dressing Doctor Who"-It's about halfway down the page)
-  I watched an interview of her and Smith and they were such at ease with each other.Karen Gillan is gorgeous. That's just a bonus.
-Stephen Moffat helped write Curse of the Fatal Death and Coupling.
-I am aware some of these reasons don't have anything to do with Eleven.
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