Doctor Who/Torchwood Fic:Let's All Blame the Big Bad Wolf-Part 1

Jan 08, 2010 01:48

“I said, ‘Could you make me a cup of coffee?’ No one said anything about flowers!”

“It amounts to the same thing. I do that. Next, you’ll expect flowers.”

“Mister Negativity.”

Ianto Jones realized his eyes were closed and he should not be hearing those two voices. Owen Harper and Toshiko Sato were dead and had been for ( Read more... )

doctorwho, writing, dw fanfiction, fandom

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Comments 9

ericadawn16 January 8 2010, 14:04:23 UTC
Hehe, I don't understand all of it, but I like it.


meowbooks January 9 2010, 03:14:31 UTC
Thanks. :D Which part? I'm always trying to make my writing better. I'll do my best to explain myself...


ericadawn16 January 20 2010, 23:12:41 UTC
Oh, I thought it was supposed to have an abstract, Carroll quality.


meowbooks January 21 2010, 03:32:00 UTC
It was suppose to be a bit nonsensical. :D*Can't wait for weekend so she can finish it*


surreallifehero January 11 2010, 05:30:04 UTC
I am a sucker of narrator-character interaction. And it is a great story. But that does put a more positive light on Ianto's demise. Very nice.


meowbooks June 3 2010, 01:07:40 UTC
Thanks, I don't break the 4th wall very often,but I like to have fun when I do.
Part Two is up if you're still interested in this story. :D


janna_hawkins June 2 2010, 23:41:10 UTC
Heh I like it! Very confusing :D


meowbooks June 3 2010, 01:06:37 UTC
I'm quite pleased. Thanks for reading. :D


meowbooks July 25 2010, 02:45:50 UTC
If you're still interested in this story...Part two and three are now up. :D


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