Who: Tear, Nall, X and...? [Open]
What: Tear receives lessons in having fun in the snow. And for anyone else, just play~ enjoy yourself~ be merry~ start a massive snowball fight! And warm up afterwards with some hot cocoa.
Where: The park sounds good - some big open area, the snow-battlefield radius can expand if necessary.
When: Jan 22nd; afternoon
Warnings: I can foresee nothing, but you guys know the rules.
It was snowing.
Tear watched as the flakes danced down on the wind and settled over everything. She couldn't explain it, but somehow it never got boring - after all, it didn't snow in Yulia City. There was a waterfall, of course, and lightning, and if you looked out across the sea of miasma, sometimes you could see debris or stray fonons raining down - but it wasn't like this. There was nothing serene about it.
Tear didn't suspect it would stay that way for long. It had been Nall's idea to come out here and "have fun" in the snow. She was waiting outside the apartments, bundled up in a heavy winter coat and the scarf that Nall himself had gotten her for Christmas. It was cute and pink, with flowers printed onto the fabric - not something that fit Tear's image of herself, but she secretly liked it a lot.
Maybe doing something "fun" would be good for her. She needed a distraction.
(OOC: I really need to upload some Keterburg icons for this,))