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Ohai, don't mind me and this 6 here. deducing_freak October 15 2011, 22:57:47 UTC
[This was such a silly idea. But the detective never could turn down a challenge, no matter how ridiculous it might have seemed. John had mentioned his unfortunate encounter with his brother's assistant. Frankly, he seemed more put off that he wasn't as much of a 'ladies man' as he thought. So Sherlock may or may not have teased him about it, which brought on the dare. It was childish. But the man accepted it without hesitation just to simply prove a point. That and... well maybe by chance he could convince the so-called "Anthea" to get his brother to lighten up on the security.

The best way to this woman's heart, was through her cell phone.]

You busy?


Oh look, I have an icon for that... notanthea October 15 2011, 23:29:47 UTC
[ Good luck with that, Sherlock. She hadn't been going by "Anthea" today, actually, but it was one of her favorites. And it just so happened she wasn't working, because as she had told John Watson, she did have lots of time off. But a text from her boss's younger brother was not something she was expecting. ]

What do you want?


Ah, how appropriate. deducing_freak October 15 2011, 23:36:22 UTC
[Sherlock Holmes does not rely on a thing such as luck. Actually, he considers himself to be rather unlucky. Her prompt response doesn't come as a surprise. She always had her phone, texting no matter if she was actually busy or not.]

Bored. Looking for some trouble.


Re: Ah, how appropriate. notanthea October 15 2011, 23:48:40 UTC

Don't you have that funny little man for that?

[ Oh, she knew very well who John Watson was, but he just didn't really interest her. Sherlock interested her a little bit more, perhaps, but that wasn't saying much. Mostly, she was annoyed with the two men all around. ]


deducing_freak October 15 2011, 23:56:13 UTC
[Always playing so hard to get. Thankfully, Sherlock was stubborn and didn't know how to take 'no' for an answer.]

John is entertainment.
Was hoping you didn't have plans tonight.


notanthea October 16 2011, 00:04:47 UTC
[ Anthea snorts quietly on her end, arching an elegant brow. ]

Are you really asking me out?


deducing_freak October 16 2011, 00:09:25 UTC
[He'll just smirk at that.]

Depends. Are you already
turning me down ?


notanthea October 16 2011, 00:16:09 UTC

Are you surprised?


deducing_freak October 16 2011, 00:22:13 UTC

Not really. Didn't think Mycroft
had you on such a short leash.


notanthea October 16 2011, 00:29:12 UTC

No leash.
You're not my type.


deducing_freak October 16 2011, 00:33:51 UTC

Don't have to be your type.
This isn't a date.


notanthea October 16 2011, 00:39:09 UTC

Then what is this?
Suggest try to make it worth my while.


deducing_freak October 16 2011, 00:42:04 UTC

Merely a proposal for a
friendly outing. You in?


notanthea October 16 2011, 00:49:37 UTC

Didn't know we were friends.

[ What the hell? ]



deducing_freak October 16 2011, 00:57:42 UTC

You're breaking my heart.


deducing_freak October 16 2011, 00:57:48 UTC

The Ivy. One hour.

[Now that wasn't so hard now was it?]


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