1077. let me help you out.

Jul 06, 2012 00:17


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Kurt Hummel ★ GLEE [OTA] justbeingaqueen July 6 2012, 16:09:06 UTC
Dear Abby,

What tips do you have for dealing with a long distance relationship with the love of your life... and more specifically, how do you prevent RSI of the wrist...?

Learning to Change Hands in Lima


Re: Kurt Hummel ★ GLEE [OTA] justbeingaqueen July 6 2012, 23:42:41 UTC
Dear Learning to Change Hands in Lima,

I don't know how to break it to you. But long distance relationships very rarely work out long term...

...But if you insist on trying to make it work (really finding a new partner would be easier) I would suggest firstly that you go to a local sex shop with a shopping list. There are many kinds of toys that will simulate oral sex, or Vagina and Anal worth a visit. Then of course the variety of Dildos and Vibrators. You could even splash out on a sex doll, some are so life like you could take them home to Mom, and some cases? She'll like them more than the real life partner.

Of course, you can also set up some saucy skype calls, and there are casting kits so you can keep them near when their not.

Really all it takes is imagination.

But- as I said, a new Partner? Far cheaper. Or consider one night stands.

Love and Understanding


justbeingaqueen July 7 2012, 02:34:49 UTC
Dear Abby,

So, your advice is to turn into a slut? How do you still get a pay check? May I ask if this is your advice to everyone or do you just own the local sex shop too?


Changing hands


justbeingaqueen July 7 2012, 11:04:28 UTC
Dear Changing Hands

Becoming a slut is a valid solution. One that I fully endorse if the correct Protective measures are taken. That said it is of course not for everyone, The unattractive for example.
If my previous help was not to your taste perhaps this may suit better. Be sure to arrange regular skype dates, there are ways to make these interesting rather than just boring calls, pretend you've just met on Chat Roulette, arrange a setting to pretend your call is coming from some where more exciting, Paris, London, Brazil, the moon. Dress up, suit tie, the whole nine yards. But I'm sure that these are things you have already considered.
The unfortunate truth is most long distance relationships do not work. Either prepare to move, or prepare to move on.



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