985. want your loving

May 25, 2012 21:20

The Random (Porn) Scenario Meme 2.0
The Rules
1. Character A: Post to the meme and wait for replies. Name|Series|Prefs
2. Character B: Go to the RNG and roll some numbers. Type first, and then go to that category and roll again.
3. Multiple Lady Gaga/Ke$ha references go here.

Note: If someone is uncomfortable and tells you to back off, please do so. If ( Read more... )

warning: possible triggers, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, smut

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I decided to tag you with Girl!Cas . Howdy. Also i got Misc.4 holy_hand_print June 6 2012, 04:23:58 UTC
I hope thats cool. If not I can reroll it, or I can switch genders to your preference.


Awesome! wherever_i_roam June 6 2012, 17:29:36 UTC
And that sounds good! Totally cool with playing with girl!Cas :D


8D! holy_hand_print June 6 2012, 20:10:42 UTC
[Hong Kong. The place was loud. If Castiel had a choice she wouldn't be here at all. She preferred places with only a few major sound, like in the Impala with Deans music and the roar of the engine. Or in the woods by a bubbling brook and the birds singing softy in the air. No, Hong Kong was constant chaos, loud noises bursting out of every second. It was impossible to have a thought here. Castiel had escaped to the oasis of one of the tallest buildings roof tops. The sound still traveled upward but at least it was far away ( ... )


wherever_i_roam June 6 2012, 22:54:30 UTC
[Dean was laid out in bed by the time the phone went off. Sam was staying overnight at Bobby's pulling together some research while Dean stayed behind to hold down the fort at their latest case, just in case the thing they were hunting made a move on a new victim. Didn't feel good hauling off when there was a danger they might get somebody killed if they both left.

Didn't mean that Dean liked idling, alone. Gave him too much time to think, too long to brood or dwell on the unpleasant. It'd be a relief to see Cas calling if he didn't think she might be calling for some kind of back up or to deliver bad news.

Ah, hell, it was still kind of a relief anyway. A cute voice would be welcomed right now, even if said cute voice belonged to an angel he shouldn't even be thinking about that way. He brought up the phone, holding it to his ear.]

Hey, Cas... what's going on?


holy_hand_print June 7 2012, 03:25:28 UTC
Hello Dean.

[Her soft yet some how deep voice replied over the phone. If Dean thought that thinking of the angel in such a way was wrong imagine how Castiel felt. She had never felt before and then along came Dean Winchester and threw her entire world up side down. Her hand rested on the edge of the buildings roof, holding her in place as she crossed her slim ankles over the top window of the pent house.]

Hong Kong is proving to be uneventful. I was calling to see how you might be fairing.


wherever_i_roam June 7 2012, 18:02:08 UTC
[He smiled at the sound of her voice and folded an arm behind his head, eyes darting up to the ceiling. Dean wasn't all that used to feeling like this... Lisa, he'd cared for her, but he'd gone to her mostly because Sam had pleaded with him to. He hadn't wanted that life... he wanted his brother alive, he wanted... things to not have ended with Sammy jumping into Hell with Lucifer.

A normal life wasn't for him, Lisa wasn't for him.

But Cas was damn near his best friend... like family, like a sister he never thought he wanted. Which might've made the whole lusting after her thing a whole new level of freaky, but he'd never claimed to be normal, had he?

But again, not like he could expect a lasting relationship with an angel either, right? Shouldn't even want one... he'd never been all that great at them anyway.]

So didn't find the relic? [He sighed.] Nothing big so far, Cas. Sam's at Bobby's working on some research and I'm stuck here in case anything happens.


holy_hand_print June 7 2012, 21:17:58 UTC
[It was good to speak with Dean. She... well she missed him. The angel was constantly thinking of the older Winchester, checking in to make sure that he was alright. She fretted over him, was worried. Thats what guardian angels did wasn't it?

Gently Castiel brushed her hair back behind her ear, the locks fell gently over her shoulders. Her eyes searched the bright city below as she listened to Dean speak.

Some how his voice always put her at ease. It was worrisome, for someone who was never suppose to learn how to feel... she felt a lot. ]

We did not.

[She confessed, tilting her head as she pressed the phone to her ear.]

You sound unhappy given the situation. You do not like to remain idle, do you?


wherever_i_roam June 7 2012, 21:35:11 UTC
Think it's there? [At the question, he went quiet a moment before letting outa snort.]

Hey, I don't mind downtime, Cas... I just prefer my downtime to include some drinks and a cute girl on my lap. This is just boring.

[He'd give a lot for a damn drink right now actually.]


holy_hand_print June 7 2012, 21:40:01 UTC
I do not.

[She answered honestly, frowning as Dean described what his perfect idea of down time would be. She shifted, looking off to the side with a put off expression on her face. She was not jealous of some random harlot ridin on Deans lap. She was not. ]

To each their own, I suppose.


wherever_i_roam June 7 2012, 21:49:15 UTC
Damn... [Knew she'd been tracking the relic for awhile too.

And if he didn't know better, she sounded a little pissed off or something. Huh...]

So, what do you like doing? Or would... [Never seemed like she indulged in downtime after all.]


holy_hand_print June 8 2012, 01:55:56 UTC
[her search was becoming increasingly frustrating mostly because it was taking her away from Dean. And she was frustrated about that because God damn it she was suppose to be his guardian, she was suppose to protect him not get jealous at the thought of some random whore sitting on his lap.

Focus Castiel. Focus.

She bit down on her plump bottom lip, brows furrowing.]

On my free time? I do not get much of it. I enjoy being outside.


wherever_i_roam June 10 2012, 20:11:02 UTC
Yeah? Maybe if this crap is ever over, I'll take you camping... Bet you'd like it. [Like it'd ever be over... and like if it ever was, Cas'd be sticking around. Probably get her feathery ass back up to Heaven as soon as possible.

But hey, it was something to talk about that wasn't relics or the case they were currently working at that they kept hitting a damn wall with.]


holy_hand_print June 11 2012, 03:04:57 UTC

[The likelihood that Castiel would be leaving this battle alive was slim to none. The chances that Dean would was even lower. Yet such a suggestion... it was good to dream. Castiel would like that. Her and Dean out in the woods together. Alone under the stars. A camp fire set, some of those marshmallow things that she always saw mortals cooking at such events. Cas didn't need to eat but she was certain that Dean would want her to try it, and she does whatever it takes to make him happy.

Time spent together like that would be so nice , but it would never happen.

Dean was trying to change the subject for her behalf. That was sweet. ]

I am certain I would.


wherever_i_roam June 11 2012, 20:08:03 UTC
Can just be you and me, Cas. [it was a nice thought, really... even if it wouldn't happen. Better than dwelling on the heavy crap weighing down on them now, on whatever danger was lurking around the corner next.]

Anything else you'd like to do, Cas? Name it... see if I can make it happen. Get some more experiences for your feathery ass.


holy_hand_print June 12 2012, 02:05:46 UTC
I would like it if it were just the two of us.

[She confessed softly, his blue eyes watching the lights of the city blur by. Cas allowed this to happen, she was an angel. She could see every second of the day yet being this high up unable to understand the lights below... it made her feel mortal. It was strange yet enjoyable.

The woman adjusted in her seat, ankles crossed as she lifted her eyes once again. She could see two people very much in love in their apartment. The man held the woman in her arms, afraid that if he let go she would disappear.]

There are many things I have not experienced, Dean.

[Tilting her head slightly her hair cascaded over her shoulder as she watched the two.]

Angels were never meant to. Feelings, emotions, touch, the entire concept is foreign to us.


wherever_i_roam June 12 2012, 19:52:31 UTC
Yeah, yeah... I know. You're like, the oldest virgin I've ever seen, Cas. Still gotta work on that.

[but okay, so his last idea hadn't been so great... it had been hilarious, but hadn't got her very close to getting laid.]

We'll do it right next time. Find you someone good. Just remember, don't bring up anybody's parents, Cas.


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