Loki will come to Jane’s apartment and find it cleaned and empty. She had been looking forward to having a day off for a long time, and she took it the moment she could with a kiss to Loki’s cheek before she went out the door with a bright smile. The two of them had been sort of together for… a few months. It was still complicated and unsure, and everyone around them had all sorts of mixed feelings and about opinions.
However, on a stack of papers that were meant for the trash bin, despite them being neatly stacked, there will be a letter addressed to him, no stamp:
Loki, you have no idea how many times I have written this letter
( ... )
He's been terrible at being with her when he isn't actually present. It takes almost no time at all for Loki's thoughts to return to the patterns of why is she attempting this and ridiculous woman and I'm not a man to love. But he's trying now, and it's going well.
Which is why it's a surprise to see a note with his name on it.
It's out of date, irrelevant now, and it really shouldn't matter, but he reads it through twice and then sits back. After a few minutes he stands and walks out onto the balcony beside her telescope, silent and thoughtful. He'll be there when she returns, with the letter on a table beside the door.
Jane will come back about two hours later, having finally gotten a lot of errands done: bills paid, phone upgraded, mail sent off, and some groceries and cleaning supplies that they needed to restock on. Setting the bags on the counter, she doesn't even see the letter on the table by the door, or that it was opened.
"Are you here, Loki?" she calls. She knows he comes and goes as he pleases, and she doesn't mind too much. It's nice to see him when she does if they can avoid awkwardness and discussions of why they're together or even whether or not Loki could be loved. She could never really answer those questions with definite answers.
For all her reasons and purposes, Jane just accepts the steadily growing love she has for Loki to be for what it is.
He is here, and he glances over when he hears her enter, but he doesn't answer. She'll discover him outside soon enough, and he's still spending time in his thoughts.
He'd always known she'd felt more for him than she ought, but it's somehow different seeing it written out. More permanent. More real. He hasn't yet finished deciding what that means.
"Hey," she says softly, going over to him on the balcony. Reaching out, she touched his shoulder gently, rubbing a little. "You okay?"
She would admit that she always did feel more than she should, or more than others thought that she should. Jane never listened to too many people anyways; that wasn't how she wanted to live her life.
[Pacing only takes up so much time. Eventually Loki throws himself onto the bench with a huff and that's when he hears the crackle of paper. He shifts and pulls out the note with a furrowed brow. He reads it.
Then he reads it again. The guards might wonder what's prompted him to begin laughing as hard as he is.
Once he's managed to get hold of himself again, he makes a request. They may not oblige, but he'd quite like to meet this Darcy face to face.]
[Fluidly, Loki rolls off the bench and paces toward the glass. He is only an inch or so shorter than his brother, though slender and wiry rather than burly as a mountain, and he doesn't pause until he's effectively looming. Is that better, Darcy?]
However, on a stack of papers that were meant for the trash bin, despite them being neatly stacked, there will be a letter addressed to him, no stamp:
Loki, you have no idea how many times I have written this letter ( ... )
Which is why it's a surprise to see a note with his name on it.
It's out of date, irrelevant now, and it really shouldn't matter, but he reads it through twice and then sits back. After a few minutes he stands and walks out onto the balcony beside her telescope, silent and thoughtful. He'll be there when she returns, with the letter on a table beside the door.
"Are you here, Loki?" she calls. She knows he comes and goes as he pleases, and she doesn't mind too much. It's nice to see him when she does if they can avoid awkwardness and discussions of why they're together or even whether or not Loki could be loved. She could never really answer those questions with definite answers.
For all her reasons and purposes, Jane just accepts the steadily growing love she has for Loki to be for what it is.
He'd always known she'd felt more for him than she ought, but it's somehow different seeing it written out. More permanent. More real. He hasn't yet finished deciding what that means.
She would admit that she always did feel more than she should, or more than others thought that she should. Jane never listened to too many people anyways; that wasn't how she wanted to live her life.
You are a bag of evil dickish cats. Unlike what some people think, I don't forget.
And man, is it totes hard to forgive when you kill about six billion people.
No love for you, douche bag
- Darcy,
PS -Signing this because despite being a giant raging drama queen, you'll figure out who wrote this.
PSPS - Coulson is doing fine in rehab.
PSPSPS - Dickwad.
[Left in his holding cell. SHIELD hid Jane, but they did not hide Darcy.]
Then he reads it again. The guards might wonder what's prompted him to begin laughing as hard as he is.
Once he's managed to get hold of himself again, he makes a request. They may not oblige, but he'd quite like to meet this Darcy face to face.]
No. No. No. No. They are not taking her to him. Seriously?
Oh, come on. It was a joke. The creeper nearly killed Thor. Nearly killed Coulson.
Nick Fury was a jerk. Have a sullen Intern being marched to apologize. Because Nick knows, Loki. Fury always knows.]
Hi, Dickwad.
Six billion. The entire population of your planet, I believe. Ought I to be flattered that you overestimate my impact on your world so highly?
[She gives the guards a glare. What the Hell guards? You're supposed to be protecting her from things like this.]
I thought you'd be... seriously a lot taller than you are.
It was my first attempt.
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