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5 Aliens... notrosesshadow January 31 2012, 03:50:31 UTC
((OOC I'd love to set this during the Paradox year... how familiar are you with Doctor Who and would you be OK with that?))


sammysavesstuff January 31 2012, 06:54:09 UTC
((OOC: Seen every episode of new Who and I'm completely comfortable to play that! I'm gonna let you start, though!))


notrosesshadow January 31 2012, 15:10:03 UTC
Japan had messed up Martha a little too much. She continued her mission because it was her duty, but it was hard to feel anything but a failure after Japan. And she was tired of walking through wheat fields. She was happy when the wheat ended... only to find herself in corn and and soy fields. And she was supposed to find a cell of the Underground tonight. But she must have gotten turned around in the last cornfield.


sammysavesstuff January 31 2012, 18:55:33 UTC
Sam was supposed to find some woman ... somewhere in this mess. He had her description, so you wouldn't think it would be too hard to find. But, you know, there were fields. With giant plants.

So it made sense that he was running around completely unable to find her.


notrosesshadow February 1 2012, 02:31:31 UTC
It didn't help that Martha was wearing her perception filter. He would probably miss her even if he did see her. But she wasn't dumb enough to take it off. Finally, she pulled a bright bandanna out of a pocket and tied it around a stalk. It would be outside the filter and alert whomever was supposed to find her that she had been by.

She then moved away. Close enough that she could still see the thing, but far enough that she'd have a head start if the UCF caught up with her instead.

The wind was keen, and it wasn't long before she was shivering, as she watched her scarf.


sammysavesstuff February 1 2012, 04:48:28 UTC
When Sam saw a ... a bandanna? appear out of nowhere, Sam spun and cocked his gun, pointing it at the fabric. "Um, what?" He said to himself. He looked around. "Martha?"


Make up whatever code word you'd like. notrosesshadow February 1 2012, 05:01:09 UTC
Martha didn't move. She was waiting for the code. For all she knew he could be a UCF agent. They were getting better at infiltrating the Underground.


Re: Make up whatever code word you'd like. sammysavesstuff February 1 2012, 05:29:11 UTC
Right. Right. The code. The fucking code. What was the fucking code? Sam knew this. "Rutabaga."


notrosesshadow February 1 2012, 05:42:52 UTC
Well, it was the code word. It had been her experience that Underground members could see through the filter when they wanted to... UCF agents tended to skate over her and then focus above her head or off to her right.

She stepped forward, ready to run in case he was an infiltrator.


sammysavesstuff February 1 2012, 06:32:24 UTC
Sam was about to give up. Clearly there was no one there. He gave the bandanna one last look before turning and starting to go.


notrosesshadow February 1 2012, 16:42:39 UTC
If he was UCF... perhaps she could throw him and the others off her trail. She started following cautiously when she tripped over an offending corn stalk. She muffled her cry, but the amount of stalks that fell over as she tumbled into them surely gave away her position.


sammysavesstuff February 2 2012, 17:12:58 UTC
Sam spun, his weapon leveled at the spot where the corn stalks were being assaulted by an invisible person. "Oh, come on," he mumbled under his breath. "Who is that?"


notrosesshadow February 2 2012, 17:49:32 UTC
Martha moved to leave... her perception filter would keep her hidden. Except it had gotten caught on a leave and she was visible. Feeling the string leave her neck, she turned immediately arms up.

"Well now," she said... immediately on the offensive. "You had the code word just fine. How'd you infiltrate the Underground?"


sammysavesstuff February 3 2012, 01:31:05 UTC
Sam just had to roll his eyes and laugh. But he didn't put the weapon down.

"I know the code word because I'm in the underground. No infiltration necessary."


notrosesshadow February 3 2012, 03:35:31 UTC
"Then you know who I am and you won't mind taking me to your people... you lead."

Still watching him, she retrieved her filter and placed it over her neck again. She wasn't ready to trust him yet. He hadn't seen through the filter.


sammysavesstuff February 3 2012, 07:12:36 UTC
Sam hated all of of this alien bullcrap. It was like he was allergic to it or something. It never worked right. Bobby thought it had something to do with his years of getting acclimated to magic instead, or something, but ...

Ugh, whatever, he hated all this stuff. She hadn't looked armed, though, so: "okay." He turned and started heading for the outpost. "What. ow do I know you aren't the infiltrator?"


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