Title: The Art of Magical Red Vines (A Story in Haiku)
hellolamppost17 &
courtney_bethPairing/Character: Wil/Sheldon, Kripke/Penny along with mentions of: Leslie/Leonard, Leonard/Leslie/Stuart, Han Solo/Indiana Jones/Leonard Nimoy/Stan Lee, Han/Indy, Leonard Nimoy/Stan Lee Captain Sweatpants/Mrs. Hofstader, Howard/Bernadette/Raj, Kripke/Wil, Sheldon/Penny, Sheldon/Kripke/Penny, Sheldon/Penny/Wil, Penny/Wil, Penny/Captain Sweatpants, Kirk/McCoy, Missy/Kirk, Kirk/McCoy/Missy, Kirk/Missy/Leslie/Leonard/Stuart, Jack Harkness/Everyone, Red Vines/Magic Powers, James Bond Time Lord/Wedding Officiating and probably more...
Word Count: 2,106
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Red vines are magical.
Disclaimer: I don't own a box of Red Vines.
courney_beth might.
Author's Notes: The story behind the
paradox_ot thread was to get people interested in posting there - realizing we can still come together and have fun. What resulted from that was an epic Haiku challenge fic that took a life of its own.
Original post
here. Unbeta'd obviously.
On Monday Sheldon
bought a large tub of red vines
"Time to eat," he said.
On Tuesday Sheldon
bought more Red Vines at the store,
'Cause they're so yummy
By Wednesday Sheldon
invested in a large tub
he bought them in bulk.
Thursday, he expressed
his undying love for them
to Penny, his friend
She was on a date
with Barry Kripke, who was
enjoying Twizzlers.
Enraged, Sheldon took
Kripke's Twizzlers and threw them
at a homeless man.
"How dare you eat these"
Sheldon said with much anger
"Red vines are better"
Kripke's eyes widened
he wanted to eat his snack
he wasn't done yet
Kripke expressed his
hunger, so Sheldon gave him
some Red Vines to eat
He knew that one bite
of enticing Red Vines would
enlighten Kripke
Kripke had never
had eaten a Red Vine before
so clueless was he
He wasn't sure if
he would like the taste of it
could it taste better?
Meanwhile Penny
watched from her seat on the couch
amused by this stuff
Kripke took a piece
from Sheldon's open palm and
put it in his mouth
He chewed it until
He swallowed it and he knew
What the fuss was for
Red Vines were God-like
So filled with joy was he then
Sheldon got a hug
Penny watched them hug
could this be the end of their
bitter rivalry?
Barry wanted more
delicious red vines from him
Sheldon felt awkward.
Would he share his treats?
Was his tub for two
people to enjoy?
Sheldon realized that
Red Vines can establish peace
and end the dark feud
He couldn't mess with
the magic of the Red Vines
And so Sheldon shared.
Kripke and Sheldon
became best friends that great day.
Penny was confused.
Penny didn't get
how Red Vines could bring them to
be friendly again.
Barry explained it
later that night in bed and
felt very happy
The next day Sheldon
invited Barry over
to play Wock Band two.
When Barry was gone
Penny became overwhelmed
She wanted Red Vines.
She strolled to his stash
And took a package of them.
She ate them quickly.
The magic was there.
She loved everyone in town.
Like Captain Sweatpants!
Captain Sweatpants was
reading comics in the store
keeping to himself.
Penny strolled on in
magical red vines in hand,
offered one to him
Barry and Sheldon
watched from the back of the store
sharing some red vines
Captain Sweatpants took
the Red Vines, ate them and cried.
They're so delicious!
Penny was moved and
tiptoed over to him and
snogged him senselessly
Sheldon and Barry,
still sharing those great Red Vines
were jealous of him.
Magical Red Vines
were bringing all together
Even Capt. Sweatpants
Capt. Sweatpants followed
Penny, Barry, and Sheldon
outside of the store
On the group's way home
They happened to run into
Raj, Howard, Leonard
They never enjoyed
Red Vines, so they were confused
Why all the strange love?
Magical Red Vines
For Howard, Raj and Leonard
They each took a bite
They felt the magic.
all of the friends ate Red Vines
Now to play Wockband.
Stuart and Leslie
randomly came over to
Leonard and Sheldon's.
They wanted Red Vines.
They read online about the
magical candy.
"We heard about them"
They both said with a tinge glee
"Can we please have one?"
Sheldon gave them each
Exactly one Red Vine
to gobble up then.
Only a little
A few minutes later on
more magic occurred...
Stan Lee soon arrived
What was he doing around here?
He wanted Red Vines.
Minutes later came
Wil Wheaton, who loved Red Vines!
They're so magical!
Wil gave a smile
hostile feelings aside
asked for a red vine
Sheldon suspicious
not sure if it's bazinga
gives wil a red vine
Wil and Stan agree
these magical red vines are
very delicious.
Bernadette came by
Angry at Howard for not
telling her 'bout them.
Wil, Sheldon & Stan
ate so many, they nearly
ran out of Red Vines!
A new tub appeared
when they all were almost done
'cause of the magic.
Raj, Howard, Leonard,
Stan Lee, Leslie, and Stuart
joined Capt. Sweatpants
They ate more red vines
while talking about their love
for comics and treats
Could Red Vines bring all
of these people together?
Yes... Yes... Yes they can.
Red Vines also brought
Penny, Sheldon, Wil Wheaton
and Barry closer
They sat together
in one giant hug of sorts
talking 'bout Red Vines.
Then the doorbell rang.
Who could it possibly be?
Just Leonard Nimoy!
Bill Shatner told him
about an intriguing tweet
he read on twitter
Leonard said that he
wanted to experience
magical red vines
Sheldon was worried
restraining order still there
red vines outweigh law
Stan Lee and Nimoy
Ripped their restraining orders
Sheldon was now free!
Magical Red Vines
shared with Leonard Nimoy and
Stan Lee without fear
Everyone thought that
the red vines were magically
finished; they were wrong.
In came, Leonard's mom.
She ran over to her son
and ate a Red Vine.
Then she hugged Leonard
and whispered in his ear that
she loved him so much.
Penny told Sheldon
that she wanted his babies
and then they made out.
Wil also wanted
to have lots of babies with
Sheldon; they made out.
Stuart was surprised
his comic book store was full
of friends making out
magical red vines
were they sprinkled with some crack?
all were acting weird
Stan Lee hugged Nimoy
Bernadette wanted Howard
and Raj to make out
Sheldon watched as Wil
Snuggled up to Penny and
kissed her lips softly
Captain Sweatpants and
Leonard's mother were talking
mild flirtation
Leonard and Leslie
were up to no good in the
huge storage closet.
Stuart looked at them.
And suddenly he wanted
to be part of it.
He asked them nicely.
And soon he made out with both
Leonard and Leslie.
Sheldon, Penny, Wil
were going crazy doing
naughty, naughty things.
Raj and Howard, much
to Bernadette's enjoyment,
were up to no good.
Holding the Red Vines
tub in his lap, Kripke ate
one, watching all kiss
How did this happen?
Why was his girlfriend with Wil?
Why can't he kiss him?
Saddened Kripke stood
walking over to Penny
Big smooch on Wil's lips.
Wil was confused
but also he was aroused.
They kept making out.
Sheldon then cut in
and made out with Wil Wheaton
Penny with Kripke.
Kirk came with Missy
Sheldon gave them some red vines
Then they joined Leonard.
All the while, Stan Lee
was still hugging his new best
friend, Leonard Nimoy.
Sheldon's eyes widened
His sister was here with Kirk
Was starfleet aware?
He stopped making out
Wil followed him to see Kirk
Really was Chris Pine
Chris Pine was filming
Star Trek down the street near by
met Missy on set
Heard about Red Vines
from Bill Shatners' magic tweet
could he have one too?
Sheldon grabbed the tub
offered one to Chris Pine and
nodded to Missy.
Suddenly, McCoy
walked into the comic store
He loves those red vines!
Chris Pine was really
happy to see him and gave
him a red vine too.
Soon they disappeared
into the Leonard orgy
sexing up all they want.
Indiana Jones
saw Shatner's magical tweet.
Journeyed to Red Vines.
Nobody noticed.
They were too busy snogging.
Though he got red vines.
Afterwards, Indy
decided to join in on
Stan and Nimoy's hug.
Howard, Raj emerged
needing something to eat and
Bernadette followed
Stuart, Leslie and
Leonard followed after them
wanting to eat too
Captain Sweatpants and
Leonard's Mom were done talking
Sweatpants at Halfmast.
Penny and Barry
happily in love followed
wanting more red vines
Indy, Stan, Nimoy
Old man trio of hugging
happy together
Magical tub of treats
nearly almost gone, oh no!
who ate all of them?
The tub is filled, all is well
Back to naughty things.
Captain Jack Harkness
walked by and was pumped for sex
He needs no red vines!
Indiana Jones
sees Han Solo and gives him
red vines; they make out.
Afterwards, they both
get back to the Nimoy, Stan,
Indy, Han epic hug.
Sheldon and Wil W.
never did stop making out...
Goodness their sex drive?
Sheldon realizes
underneath all of the hate
is a lot of love
Wanting only Wil
(and maybe dressed as Wesley?)
feeling much passion
Indie, Han, and Stan
crowd around Leonard Nimoy
wanting a Spock cock.
Taking a red vine
Barry makes a circle and
drops down to one knee
Everybody seems
to sonically sense that
Kripke's proposing
They all decide to
do the courteous thing and
stop sexing for a sec.
(Well, not everyone
Sheldon Cooper and Wheaton
just can't help themselves.)
For the main part though,
they all kept it in their pants.
Even Bones and Kirk.
Stan Lee, Nimoy, Han,
Stop hugging Indiana
Now watching Kripke
There's no more sexing
All eyes on Penny, Kripke
But will she say yes?
"Wed Vines are magical"
Barry says down on one knee
"Mawwy me, Woxanne."
Penny nods with glee
says yes 'cause of the red vines
Twizzler fan no more.
Everybody claps
And toasts them with some red vines
When out of nowhere...
Wil Wheaton steps out
of his sex induced haze and
dropped down to one knee
"Moonpie, please marry me?"
He asks, with red vine magic
Sheldon can't refuse.
They make out a bit.
Sheldon admires his ring.
Then back to sexing.
Leonard, Leslie, and
Stuart take a break for a
while for Red Vines
How can a food like
Red Vines bring many people
together like this?
Lots of love and hugs
Old man hug orgy is cute
Capt Sweatpants watches
In the midst of sex,
Sheldon and Wil grow very
very impatient.
"Moonpie, let's wed now!"
Sheldon agrees, but they need
a priest of some sort.
Enter James Bond, Time Lord
on his TARDIS, "I can wed
you two, right now! Yes?"
Sheldon kisses Wil
"Let's do this!", James Bond proclaims.
They prepare the store.
Sheldon tells Penny
that It will be a double
wedding for all... yay.
Stuart, Leslie and
Leonard straighten up the store
mopping floors is fun
Bernadette and Raj
join Howard as they make
a big red vine cake
Captain Sweatpants runs
to the super market to
buy some drinks and ice
James Bones the Time Lord
prepares the couples on their
special wedding vows
Sheldon tells Penny
that It will be a double
wedding for all... yay.
Stuart, Leslie and
Leonard straighten up the store
mopping floors is fun
Bernadette and Raj
join Howard as they make
a big red vine cake
Captain Sweatpants runs
to the super market to
buy some drinks and ice
James Bones the Time Lord
prepares the couples on their
special wedding vows
Leonard Nimoy tells
Sheldon that he'll walk him down
the aisle; he cries.
Indiana Jones
will be the maid of honor
for Sheldon also.
Stan Lee is Wil's Best
Man; Leonard is ring bearer;
Leslie flower girl.
Captain Sweatpants will
give Penny away; Howard
is Kripke's best man.
Raj: Maid of Honor.
Captain Kirk is ring bearer.
McCoy; Flower girl.
James Bond, Time Lord is
so ridiculously cool
He'll wed both the pairs.
James Bond, the Time Lord
Stands in front of his Tardis
Joining both couples.
The rings are exchanged
They are props from Green Lantern
comics from Stuart
Cake time is now here
Magic red vine cakes for two
Delicious red vines
Wil and Sheldon's first
dance as newlyweds is the
theme song from Star Trek.
They dance cheek to cheek
James Bond, Time Lord looks at them
He knows they're soulmates.
They take some red vines,
and skip out on the party.
They want sexy time.
James Bond, Time Lord lets
the two sex it up in his
TARDIS, cause he's cool.
Barry and Penny
smile watching Sheldon dance
Wil looks happy too
Everyone dances
it looks like a high school prom
more red vines for all
James Bond joins in
Hugging Nimoy, Stan and Han
Indy has gone home
Kirk and McCoy too
Beamed back to the ship above
Taking Missy too.
Stuart, Leslie and
Leonard decide that they love
their crazy threesome.
Even Capt. Sweatpants
is happy with Leonard's Mom
Talking merrily
Still, Wil and Sheldon
are probably happiest
Sexing it up still
All cause of red vines
So magical in its ways
Better than Twizzlers.
So, James Bond... Time Lord
bids a fond farewell to friends
taking some red vines
Red vines are really
magical from Gallifrey
like an E.D. pill
On Friday, Sheldon
ate from his tub of Red Vines
He knows their magic...