#34- picspam: i watched roommates & all I got was this stupid picspam [repost]

Apr 19, 2010 21:50


INTRO: Roommates is the only show where I've watched every episode, and then had a spazzing, happy fit when it was cancelled. You may think that this is strange, to watch a show that I hated so consistently, but that show was like the freakin' Mafia. Once I got in, I couldn't get out. So here, I present to you a journey, that details the stupidness that is Roommates, and all the ridiculousness I suffered through thanks to this addiction.

Before we begin, our 13-episode journey let's meet these well-drawn characters. (*Not*)

There's your cast, and there's your overall description of which each character brought to the table in this series. Now that we know who everyone is let our journey begin.

Basic Plot: Mark who is a crazy stalker, and is crazy!obsessed with Katie, moves into her apartment even though he doesn't really need to.
My Reaction: This show has taken every cliche possible, and stabbed me with them. They also steal awesome bits from other comedies, for example, the Naked Man from How I Met Your Mother, and stomped on them and ruined their comedic glory. Also Mark might possibly be the hardest main character to root for ever. Which is amazing considering how hard the writers tried to make him likeable. I promised myself I would never watch another episode.

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Jerks: I was home sick, and bored, and this show was the only free thing OnDemand.
Basic Plot: Somebody says that Katie will find the true love of her life in her dreams, so Mark finangles to be the guy in her dream in more creepy stalkerish ways. It ends with a gay dream.
My Reaction: Katie's a freaking idiot, and quite possibly the world's most oblivious person ever. You really don't find it strange that some guys won't stop pestering you before you go to bed, right after you talk about how the true love of your life is going to appear in your dreams? Also, the show goes for the most obvious jokes. It's crazy expensive, so we bought it! Straight guys in gay dreams! Lame.

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those D-bags:  I had a lull in my schedule Thursday night, and I need something to do in that half hour. This worked.
Basic Plot: Hope lies to Katie about not being fired, offers to give Katie a job at her company, and then there's some weird conniving that results in Katie/Mark having deep conversations on the phone in the middle of the night.
My Reaction: How does this plot exist? Why does the plot exist? Why does this show exist?

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those A-Holes: I caught the first three minutes of this, and discovered it involved fake dating. For some reason fake dating will get me to watch anything.
Basic Plot: Hope's father comes to town, and threatens to cut Hope off, so she lies about having a boyfriend (I don't remember why having a boyfriend was important.) Also, the boys try to hide Hope's vibrator. It all ends with hugs & father daughter bonding. and a random Hope and Mark kiss.
My Reaction: The Hope/Mark  kiss would've been really cool, if it actually led into a bigger plotline (refusal to admit it happened, embarassment, a newfound disgust for each other etc.), but this show shunts off any possibly good long term story arcs or unexpected ones, so they leave it be. Also, did the vibrator scene need to exist? Really?

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Carnivorous Mushrooms: My heart told me no, but my head told me it was a harmless way to kill 30 minutes on a boring Saturday morning.
Basic Plot: Katie sets Mark up on a date with a girl whose lesbian for Katie. James tries to set up a threesome. Epic!Fail.
My Reaction: Threesome stories usually fail for me to begin with ("Third Wheel" is by far my least favorite HIMYM episode), and this one did not respark my faith in the genre. Katie's friend was quite possibly the weirdest Girl of the Week character ever. She didn't seem real at all.

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Wangsters:
I actually did not watch this episode originally, and skipped it in the original run. I only watched upon hearing the show was cancelled and deciding to watch every single episode of this show just to say I did. I ended up not paying much attention to the episode as a result.
Basic Plot: Frasier's Mixed Doubles, only with Katie and Mark.
My Reaction: Hey, it's Mixed Doubles without the humour and pathos! Let's watch some Frasier!

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Giraffe Killers: A mix of boredom and self-hatred.
Basic Plot: Hope wants job. Katie inadvertently gets job because boss wants to nail her. Katie takes job at Hope's bidding.
My Reaction: Katie needs to go die in a hole like now, kthnx.

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Keyboard Cats: I wish I knew.
Basic Plot: Katie is not a business mind at all, and Hope is. So Katie steals her ideas. Then later on, Katie gets to keep her job because the boss wants to sleep with her, and Hope gets hired because the boss wants to sleep with Katie.
My Reaction: I DO NOT SEE KATIE'S LIKEABILITY. I got really frustrated in like 60 different ways. Also, why the hip "Going Green" mention? An Al Gore name drop does not give you credibility. Giving Katie a brain, might.

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Bad Horses: The summary on On Demand, said that there was Game Night plus it was either watch this or Hannah Montana. I chose this.
Basic Plot: Felicia Day loves Mark a lot, and Thom brings her to game night to make Katie jealous, which works because Katie gets shitfaced and makes out with Mark.
My Reaction: Felicia Day's prescence makes me feel a lot less guilty for watching this series.

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Rainbow Destroyers: I wish I knew. I think at this point, it just became a bad habit. Like chewing your fingernails. It was like TV cocaine. You know it's horrible for you, but you can't turn away.
Basic Plot: Katie and Mark avoid their feelings for one another, and there's a lot of mind games. Katie's boss still wants to sleep with her.
My Reaction: I had nothing to say after this one. Absolutely nothing.

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Motherlovers: I point you to the cocaine compulsion theory I highlighted above.
Basic Plot: James's Mom drops by, has a midlife dating crisis and makes out with Mark. It ends in dumpage.
My Reaction: How does Mark get so much action? He's not that attractive, IMO. Also Thom is scary.

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Romulans: I knew it was cancelled at this point, so I torrented the last two episodes to end my misery, since I needed to see the ending to feel at peace.
Basic Plot: Thom and Felicia Day hook up. Mark and his ex hook up, Katie tries to sleep with her boss, and James and Mark hook up after some "Bring Your Ex" party.
My Reaction: It's almost over. *Phew*

How Roommates Sucked Me Back In, Those Malfoys: It was the light at the end of the tunnel.
Basic Plot: Hope and James become sex buddies. And Mark's ex comes to the apartment in a wedding dress. I don't really remember to be honest.
My Reaction: Seriously? That ending was a whole new kind of crack, ABC Family.

In Conclusion:
Finishing this series, did nothing for me except fufill a strange, strange inner compulsion I developed over the past few weeks. This show basically made me lose faith in my gender, and taught me that all males are either sex gods in suits or dorky yet supposedly loveable sticks. I gained nothing from watching this show, except for this picspam.I apologize for that.

!repost, !picpsam, tv: roommates

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