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Comments 22

cleopatramwi April 6 2009, 14:22:49 UTC
I liked Twilight and New Moon well enough...Eclipse I really disliked and I really wanted to just cut my wrists trying to get through BD (soooo borrrriing). I heartily disliked Bella, so the abusive bf behavior didn't bother me - she could really use a good slap, lol!

I just finished re-reading New Moon last night - and I really enjoyed it more reading it again. I think I like it because it's so messed up...Bella talking to herself and jumping off cliffs just struck me as somewhat funny :)


mellymell April 6 2009, 15:03:21 UTC
I will say that at least New Moon was entertaining, but Bella sulking got old really quick. I was so relieved when she started trying to kill herself to hear Edward's voice in her head. At least it was something! And I must say, I didn't feel bad for Bella as far as the abusive relationship thing goes. I felt like she totally deserved it for leading Jacob on like that. But what bothered me is that real life teenage girls are idealizing this behavior and that's kind of scary. I think the reason I didn't like Twilight as much is because I started with Midnight Sun and it just was so damned repetitive. Not to mention, I think Edward's point of view is a lot more entertaining, what with the mind reading and such. The one redeeming fact of Breaking Dawn was the last third of the book when she's finally a freakin' vampire. Suddenly, Bella is actually interesting. I cracked up at things like her destroying the granite boulder just because she could. But good lord did it drag on!


padawansguide April 6 2009, 15:14:56 UTC
AMEN. I couldn't bring myself to read Breaking Dawn, I just read cleolinda's recap. I was glad I spared myself. I hated New Moon - I wanted to throw it across the room and just not pick it back up. So much angsting over Edward. I hated Bella for being a zombie and ignoring all her friends and then thinking Jessica/Angela?/whichever was a bitch for not wanting to be all BFF after being ignored for 3 months. She's so self-centered and seems not to give a crap about her family, she's so focused on wanting to be a vampire so she can be with Edward. Blech.

These books are just like fanfic, with the same guilty pleasures, but also the same faults...


mellymell April 6 2009, 16:17:14 UTC
I read her recap when she did it, too. That might be why I was so impatient with it, knowing what was going to happen and having it drag through 500-something pages to get there.

It is really annoying how her mother and father are always an afterthought. Edward keeps having to remind her about that facet of her decision. Jessica was the one who was a bitch. Having read Midnight Sun first, I kind of felt like it was a little bit of poetic justice since she was so two faced towards Bella (Edward voicing her thoughts shows she was only nice to her face). But still, I kind of felt like "that's what you get for being a zombie over some boy" towards Bella for all that.

Fortunately, not many fanfic writers are given $750,000 for their half-baked ideas.


branflake April 6 2009, 16:09:05 UTC
She IS alive! :)


mellymell April 6 2009, 16:20:31 UTC
Yeah, this post is all about where I've been for the past week. I didn't spend any time on email or LJ or anything else on my computer to try to get through these terrible books as fast as possible. ;)

Really excited about your visit! BTW, we're staying over at Chris' parents' house on the 25th and then celebrating my birthday with them the next day. Not sure what your plans are for the rest of that weekend and I wasn't sure when you were flying back.


branflake April 6 2009, 19:27:18 UTC
We fly out at 3:30 on Sunday from Huntsville. Other than the party and our flight time..... wide open :) I dont think we'll stay in Nashville Thursday night unless my Mom just absolutely wants to. Michael has a meeting with UAH to find out what he lacks for his degree on Friday mid morning.

I'm so glad you guys are staying in Huntsville for the night! Means you can stay later :) Should be a fun party.... Kinda nervous, but not really :) Can't wait to show off my ring and the other ring I recently got off of craigslist!


branflake April 6 2009, 16:12:17 UTC
btw, 2 weeks 2 days! Or better known as 16 days! :) ((hugs))


belluthien April 6 2009, 18:34:52 UTC
Your review pretty much sums up how I feel about these books...
I cleansed my brain with a refresher on what a good vampire story reads like, & re-read The Interview... Yes.

It's almost discouraging that she got published so quickly, and with so much acclaim, for craptastic writing... Or, one could say it's encouraging looked at the other way. It just reminds me, however, that the whole publishing industry is a true crap shoot...


mellymell April 7 2009, 11:56:01 UTC
Well, let's hope it's encouraging, since I know the effort and care you're putting into your characters and story. Hopefully a publisher that's worth a damn with see that and give you just as good of a shot!


belluthien April 8 2009, 18:36:23 UTC
I hope you're right, and I meet the agent & publisher willing to give me a shot...

Eric stresses that it is encouraging, and I'd like to look at things positively. Sometimes that's hard work.

My WIP is taking so much more effort than I see SM ever put into anything... The cynic in me knows that the publishing industry is not fair; it mirrors life in that regard.

But... I've been known to have something like luck on my side. I'll be delusional enough to hold to that. hehehe.


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