Texting Part 2

Feb 07, 2010 14:42

Title: Texting Part 2
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: Just random texts between Kurt and Puck
A/N: Okay! I just found this on my laptop! This is what I did when I had writers block or if I was really bored! I have more but I'm not sure if I should post them, so let me know! ^_^

Part 1

I suppose I should say that Kurt is in italics and Puck is bold! That'd be the smart thing to do anyways!

I’m bored.

Do you have any idea what time it is?

Last I checked it was about midnight.

Exactly. Why are you up??

I could ask you the same thing.

I’m up because my phone woke me up!

And who’s fault is that?

My annoying boyfriend who doesn’t understand what sleep means…

Hey, you didn’t have to respond. You could have ignored it and gone back to sleep.

No I couldn’t because you would have kept texting me complaining about how bored you are.

So, you could have ignored all of them.

No because then tomorrow you would have been mad that I had ignored you.

If you had just let me sleep over we wouldn’t be having this argument.

If you would just go to sleep we wouldn’t be having this argument.

I would be asleep if you had let me spend the night.

You’ve spent the night for the past two nights. Do you know how hard it is to hide you from my dad when you spend the night?

Whatever. But you have to admit, you like the thought of getting caught!

Yes, but the thrill is lost if we do it every night.

I wish we did it every night.

Go to bed.

Not tired

Well, I am.

Please baby, stay up and talk to me.

You and your stupid baby.

I’ll take that as a yes, which means I’m calling you.


You need to eat, not sleep.

Well, if someone hadn’t decided to call me at MIDNIGHT, I might have actually gotten some sleep, so I wouldn’t be tired, and would be able to focus on eating instead of sleeping.

On the Brightside, you look really cute when you’re sleepy.

I’m mad at you so stop texting me.

I’m sorry. Will it help if I got sit with you?

How would that help if I was mad at you?

I could feed you, or let you rest your head on my shoulder as you eat.

What happened to not wanting to go public to anyone other than the glee club

You’re worth it.

You’re just saying that to get out of the doghouse.

What’s your point?

Stop texting me.

You can’t really be that mad at me.

I can’t eat if we’re texting

Text with one hand. I’ve seen you do it

Not talking to you.


Stop texting me or I will yell that we’re dating.

No you wont.

Then maybe I’ll walk over and kiss you.

Doubt it

Or I’ll tell everyone about what wonderful sounds you make during sex.

Kurt, would you just calm down.

I would if you would leave me alone.

Fine, but tell your band of freaks to stop staring at me.



Did you just call me Kurty?

I was trying to get your attention.

I’m eating and I’m done talking to you.

Fine… but you can’t stay mad at me forever.

Watch me.

Damn… I love you.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

I love you too, now let me eat.


Math is a dumb class


You can’t still be mad at me!

Come on! I’m sorry.


Uh, I hate Math.

I’m going to keep texting you until you reply.

You’re lucky my teacher is giving me death glares.

…I love you… Even when you don’t respond

Why would you say that?

Oh, now you reply, once I can’t.

Sorry, but you said something sweet, and you know I can’t stay mad at you when you act like that.

Good to know. And math is still a dumb class

I thought you said you couldn’t text.

I can text if I want to

And what about your teacher?

Screw her. I don’t give two shits.

Oh, be still my beating heart, Noah Puckerman is forsaking his teacher just to talk to me! How ever did I get so lucky?

You’re cute when your sarcastic

I’m always cute, you just choose not to see it.

Oh please baby. I see it all the time. I just choose not to say anything because your head is big enough without my help.

I’ll have you know that my head is a perfect size. You’re the one with the too big head!

Such harsh words from such a pretty mouth. Although, can I say that? Or should I say such harsh words from such perfect hands.

Hands and mouth that won’t be going anywhere near you

You say that now. Just wait until glee practice.

So cocky.

That’s what she said.

Grow up

But I don’t wanna!

Why did I have to fall in love with suck a child?

I’m older than you.

And yet you don’t act it

Dude, my teacher is coming over here.

character: kurt hummel, rating: pg, title: t, pairing: kurt/puck, type: crack, texting, character: puck

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