
Feb 04, 2010 10:37

Title: Texting
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: Just random texts between Kurt and Puck
A/N: Okay! I just found this on my laptop! This is what I did when I had writers block or if I was really bored! I have more but I'm not sure if I should post them, so let me know! ^_^

I suppose I should say that Kurt is in italics and Puck is bold! That'd be the smart thing to do anyways!

Uh, Rachel wont stop staring at you >=(

Really? I hadn’t noticed.

How could you not? It’s like she’s trying to bore holes in you.

Relax, I’m not going to return the stare

You better not! You’re mine, and you’re not allowed to forget it!

Wow, I like aggressive you. Can I keep him?

oh haha. Uh, she keeps staring!

Look, there’s nothing I can do about it. Besides, I’m not even looking at her.

You can tell her that you have a boyfriend and could do without the googly eyes!

Look, I like you and all, but I’m not coming out to Rachel of all people, and besides, that wouldn’t stop her. She still stared at Finn after she found out about Quinn.

True. She’s really annoying. Oh! Mr. Schue is done talking!

I know, dork, I’m sitting on the opposite side of the room. I think we have to start dancing now. Bummer.

Singing too. Shall we continue this conversation after practice?

Sounds good to me. We can talk when I drive you home.

You don’t have to drive me, I’m fully capable of walking.

I know, but I’m trying to be a good boyfriend.

Oh, then okay. We shall finish this when you drive me home =D


Rachel wont leave me alone! >.<

Why is she talking to you?

She caught me at my locker and asked me when I got all buddy-buddy with you.


Because she likes you! Can I tell her to back off you have a boyfriend??

We’ve been over this!

Please? I need her away from me! Now she’s asking if I can talk to you about her!! X_X

What’s with that face? Are you dead now? Should I be worried?

Aw, that’s cute. You care.

#_# @_@ !_! ;_; ;D :D D: D; Is that awkward? A sad winking face?

What? What are you doing? I’m hearing your life story from Rachel and all you can do is make stupid faces?

I thought it would calm you down. It’s only cute when I can see you freaking out. Doing it over texts is very disappointing.

You were trying to calm me down? You’re such a sweet boyfriend! And she just asked me who I’m texting because she saw the word boyfriend!! *_*

Shit. Tell her, I don’t know. Tell her she doesn’t know me. Kurt, please. I don’t want her to know.

I told her you’re a childhood friend. She accepted it and left.

Well, at least she’s gone. Hey, wanna meet up in the rehearsal room early today? ; )

Fine, you can make it up to me for Rachel practically drooling over you.


Do I really need to learn math?

Wait, are you actually in math class?

Yeah. You said I should go, so I went.

I’m so proud of you!

Gee, thanks mom.

Your sarcasm isn’t as cute when I can’t see your face.

Are you stealing my lines?

Maybe. I was trying to be cute.

You don’t have to try.

^^ You’re such a sweet heart.

And you better not tell anyone.

I wont tell anyone that Noah Puckerman is a sweet, caring human being.

Why am I talking to you again?


You can’t really be mad at me. It was a joke.

This is why I don’t go to class. Something bad always happens.

You can’t be that mad at me!

Oh wow, I was taking notes and you send me five texts. I am in class you know.

So am I.

Yes, but unlike you, I care about my grades.

Whatever. Hey, bell rang. Glee practice

I never thought I’d hear the day that you actually wanted to go to glee.

I don’t, I just find it cute when you freak out because Rachel’s staring at me.

We aren’t playing this game again. Class is over which means you don’t need to take notes.

Just a warning, I’ll be at your locker in a minute and then we’re going on a field trip to the dumpster

I thought we were over that.

We are, but no one goes near them during school, so it gives us some privacy before practice.

Oh, then, I’m waiting.


Rachel is giving me death glares.

It’s probably because we showed up late for practice.

True, and possibly because you KISSED me before going to your seat.

Are you yelling at me? I thought you wanted me to show Rachel that I was off limits.

So you ambush me!! In front of the whole glee club!

You said you wanted to go public!

Really? This again?

I can see you! You keep checking your phone! Reading the text and then closing the phone!

Oh come on! Don’t give me that look!

Either respond or I do something both of us will regret.

Fine but don’t say I didn’t warn you.


Will you stop being a pissy boyfriend?

I’m not being pissy! And Mr. Schue looks like he wants to strangle you.

Probably because of what I did.

What were you going to do? When you stood up?

Announce that you swallow.

You aren’t as cute as you think you are. Stop smirking!

Oh please. You love my smirk.

Beside the point. Oh, we have to dance now, so I’m not going to be responding if you text me. Can I do that without you throwing a fit?

Oh, it’s on. Don’t blame me if my hands slip when we past each other.

Oh please, you’ll cave before I do.

Mr. Schue is going to hate us.

Hate you. We get caught I’ll just blame you.

We won’t get caught. We’ve never been caught.

A tad bit cocky are you?

Let the game begin!

character: kurt hummel, rating: pg, title: t, pairing: kurt/puck, type: crack, character: puck

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