Inception fic: After the storm (I run and run as the rain's come)

Aug 01, 2010 20:22

Title: After the storm (I run and run as the rain's come) 
Author: mellaithwen.
Pairings: Eames/Arthur.
Rating: R.
Word Count: 4, 325
Warning: Character death, dark.
Summary: Eames dies, and his projection haunts Arthur's subconscious.  
Written for this prompt over at inception_kink .

He throws his dice along the floor seventeen times before Ariadne puts her hand on his and whispers that this isn’t a dream. )

fic, fanfic, inception

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Comments 111

sissyalj August 1 2010, 23:54:51 UTC
This is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


mellaithwen August 2 2010, 13:55:16 UTC
aww thank you so much for saying so :):)


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mellaithwen August 2 2010, 13:59:08 UTC
because you actually made Arthur's suffering tangible.

thank you so much for saying that, it's really what I was aiming for, I think that's why it ended up so long lol. thank you for reading!! :)


typhon_9 August 2 2010, 05:40:24 UTC
oh, god. Wow. This is so beautiful, so achingly sad, so tender. The street of memories is a particularly powerful image. I can't get over how perfect and painful this fic is. In the absolute best way. oh, goodness.

And I really love that all Shades turn angry and dangerous and jealous. It's brilliant and spot on.


mellaithwen August 2 2010, 13:57:10 UTC
eeee I'm glad you mentioned that bit as it was one of my favourites to write :) and thank you so much for reading :)


spikeandtara August 2 2010, 06:06:30 UTC
Oh. You made me cry. This is so heartbreaking, and very well written. The saddness - Arthur's pain and loneliness - is like, right there, real. It's so sad.


mellaithwen August 2 2010, 14:00:06 UTC
aww thank you, and I'm sorry for making you cry!!! I'll supply tissues next time, hee :)


cordeliadelayne August 2 2010, 08:35:53 UTC
I'll just be over here, sobbing my eyes out.


mellaithwen August 2 2010, 13:53:56 UTC
eek sorry about that!! hee :) thanks for reading!


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