i wanted black boots for xmas.

Jan 05, 2004 10:08

it's just that my skin is so dry. cuts on my fingers bleed before i know they are there. i should go to work before the sun cuts through the gray clouds.

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Comments 14

living on turpentine anonymous February 3 2004, 04:59:38 UTC
and she remembers when she was 17, a sharp blow to the head rom behid put away any idea of whatever fight her 110 pound body might have been able to put up, pinned to the ground, flesh tears as he takes from her what innocence she has left. And three months without a bleeding causes sleepness nits, "I'm catholic, what am i supposed to do" and her deision made, she crept to the clinic. Smal protest up the street she is spotted by a member of the congregation and within 24 hours word is spread. One of my goals in life is to fuck a rhinoscerous; i mean it, the most behemoth woman you ever saw. Put that thang on her. Seperatists of the world unite. I may have to stomp the shit out of your boyfriend and drag you both to the methadone clinic. Maybe you could use a fuckin slap too.


same anonymous February 5 2004, 05:28:43 UTC
a thousand yeas is but an instant, there's nothing new, nothing different. I look and see same ocean same tree same you, same me. I stare into space and pray to be free of the powers that hold themselves over me. Governents claim my best interests at heart til i start to act up or our philosophies part ways and means is what theyve got so play our games cause you have not, and dont get loud or youll get shot and the papers will read another evil man brouht down by the good guy with his hands on the gun as if you had the right to kill another mans son, screaming vengeance is mine as i sit down to dine on the flesh of a swine with a badge and a nine millimeters into my brain, trying to let of the pressure before i go insane, bloodstain on my clothes and i cant remember why but that motherfucker deifnately deserved to die. Offers void where prohibited by law.


anonymous February 6 2004, 20:33:45 UTC
somniferous trees grow poof from the blood lows truth you cant rush a modern fable we eat sweet meat while dogs beg under the table im askin what the point of it is ut there's no response from the wiz horse of a diferent color and heres another somethin completely different like i was perorming an autopsy on myself cut thoug the siht lets get down to it half of the world is contolled by the other half of it and if you dont give a shit than youre probly on top so im askin just stop take a momnt to analize what youre doin to the people that you claim to care about and who have shown you so much love and respect in their lives hot knives in the back could orm a frontal attack cause youre weak in the head maye better of dead but thats not how i really feel ust some bullshit i said never ben so tired i wished hunger never got so high i forgot to remember the under dog eat dog and only tough guys belong and i sugest you wear a cup and dont bring baggage along on this flight well uy what we need as we go and i doubt well need that much


devong February 19 2004, 10:35:01 UTC
brah..this was just too funny..


Re: devong February 20 2004, 09:24:59 UTC

where are u im online


anonymous February 21 2004, 23:28:57 UTC
raped and prenant she makes her dcision..spotted by a member of the congegation and word soon spreads, excommunicated ("and my own church turns its back on me as well?") leads to suicide and now two lives are lost ( ... )


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