i wanted black boots for xmas.

Jan 05, 2004 10:08

it's just that my skin is so dry. cuts on my fingers bleed before i know they are there. i should go to work before the sun cuts through the gray clouds.

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anonymous February 21 2004, 23:28:57 UTC
raped and prenant she makes her dcision..spotted by a member of the congegation and word soon spreads, excommunicated ("and my own church turns its back on me as well?") leads to suicide and now two lives are lost

because sometimes it's realy not your fault when your soul broke...

the money was missing, ad that one little weasel in accounting ... ernest? with the galsses and te bad ties...goddamn, i should have known that creepy litle shit was up to something

because sometimes when a soul breaks, there are no outward signs

the agonized screams of a hundred dead gooks echoe though his soul, and he knew he was just following oders, but the price that his orders would bring down upon him he would pay alone

because usually, when a soul breaks, theres noone there to hear it

tears flowed and he knew he had shit his pants...this man, who he had worked beside for 8 years, this man, fired three days before, this man was goin to kill me, and evelyn, and dan down the hall...he was going to kill us

because sometimes souls break in a chain reaction pattern


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