Respec: Chapter 1 (Log Horizon fic)

Jan 01, 2014 17:31

Because the bunnies won't stop biting until I get this out of my head. ;) Notes are at the end of the fic, or you can click on the second cut to see them first if you need to check out game-related terms and acronyms.

Respec: Chapter 1 )

log horizon, fic

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Comments 21

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mel_redcap January 1 2014, 11:43:25 UTC
Woot! *rolls in the sparkles and hearts* XD So glad you like it hon! Heisuke is a good boy and indeed deserves hugs. I shall see to it that he gets some. *nodnod*

I do b'lieve I'd have a hard time skinning a weasel with a magic-shooting assvine myself, y'know. *snickering madly*


kraziekatlord January 3 2014, 06:26:51 UTC
I LOVE how you did the Landers POV of life before the Catastrophe. And how the old woman is all "You're the GOOD kind of crazy, we just might keep you after all."


mel_redcap January 3 2014, 06:30:50 UTC
It takes a lot for Mariya to admit she's been wrong about someone, but once she does she's not shy about it. ;)


kraziekatlord January 3 2014, 06:37:49 UTC
Can't wait to read more. *offers kleiners, vanillakrunsen, chocolate meringue, and bruinke, family traditional christmas/news years cookies* I'd offer you Chocolate chip, but until the Christmas cookies are gone, we're not allowed to make more.


mel_redcap January 3 2014, 06:47:51 UTC
...I might possibly be re-watching Log Horizon in order to make a few notes about things for the next chapter right now... ;P

*noms cookies and shares pavlova* XD


siraj January 7 2014, 05:00:36 UTC
... yyyyyep. Trifecta of adoration. I fuckin' called it. First DoJ, then Harrington-Wing, and now THIS!

It's like a deliciously dark mix of .Hack, Sword Art Online, and something that makes my blood sing as someone that fights with a sword for real in fencing duels.

I... oh yeah. There goes my money. I've gotta find the source for this, I NEED to get in on this awesomeness, and I don't care how much it'll cost me for manga, DVD's, hard drive space or whatever it might be.


mel_redcap January 7 2014, 06:37:16 UTC
*cackles happily ( ... )


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mel_redcap January 8 2014, 01:01:51 UTC
*thumbs-up* You're welcome! I wanna SHARE THE ADDICTION-- er I mean fun! Yes. Fun. That's it.

Methinks I need to make those links a separate post so everyone sees them, not everyone looks at the comments. *trots off to do so*


babyshanryu January 7 2014, 22:18:16 UTC
Oooh! Lurves it!!


mel_redcap January 7 2014, 23:17:55 UTC
Yay! XD


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