Cross-posted at Teaspoon
Title: A Ticket Home
Author: MeiLin
Rating: R
Characters: Jack Harkness, Shae Han/Miss Dexter (original character), Francine Jones, The Master
Pairings: Master/Shae
Disclaimer: The Beeb owns everyone in here, and a good chunk of me too, apparently. Except Shae! I own Shae! OK I partly own her!
Summary: The
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Comments 24
Speaking of characterization: Shae working for the Master--talk about self-defeating! Her arrogance & stubbornness (& perhaps some shame?) are certainly combining to hoist her high. Thinking of what's going to happen to her doesn't just make my skin crawl, it gets up & walks...
Shae STILL doesn't know exactly what she's dealing with here. And you can't spell "shame" without "Shae." ;) Does she get a shot a redemption? Or no? She hasn't told me yet.
No, but she knows she's put her foot in it. Up to the chest. If she didn't have Homerically huge (paraphrasing Joss) pride & stubbornness blocking her view she'd probably realize she'd be better off crawling back to TW3 & being locked up than continuing to hang with a psychopathic alien sadist. But she is Homerically proud & stubborn...come to think of it, those were some of Achilles' faults, too...
You have me feeling a bit sympathetic to Shae now. She's well and truly gotten herself stuck in a situation more dire than just being trapped out of her own time.
OK it's way too late, I gotta go to bed and Benny Goodman is playing "Goodnight My Love" on my iTunes and the Jack in my brain is prodding me to go to bed. Well. That came out wrong. I'm going to sleep now.
And the 8th Doctor said he was half-human on his mother's side. Who knows how canonical that is, but many (most?) fans seem to accept this. It also explains his odd affection for humanity. We're fambly!
Gethenians: I can't remember their origins, it's been years since I read the book. But if memory serves, Gethenians and humans, and humanoid races of other worlds, were from the same rootstock. Whether evolution or genetic manipulation differentiated us, I cannot remember. I do remember that Gethenians looked at humans as being childlike because they didn't have body hair, thus resembling Gethenian children, and as perverts because we'd "choose" a sex and keep it. ;)
>(No, no, I didn't enjoy that at all, I just put on my steel-toed boots & thought of England.)
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