Cross-posted at Teaspoon
Title: A Ticket Home
Author: MeiLin
Rating: R
Characters: Jack Harkness, Shae Han/Miss Dexter (original character), Francine Jones, The Master
Pairings: Master/Shae
Disclaimer: The Beeb owns everyone in here, and a good chunk of me too, apparently. Except Shae! I own Shae! OK I partly own her!
Summary: The
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Speaking of characterization: Shae working for the Master--talk about self-defeating! Her arrogance & stubbornness (& perhaps some shame?) are certainly combining to hoist her high. Thinking of what's going to happen to her doesn't just make my skin crawl, it gets up & walks...
Shae STILL doesn't know exactly what she's dealing with here. And you can't spell "shame" without "Shae." ;) Does she get a shot a redemption? Or no? She hasn't told me yet.
No, but she knows she's put her foot in it. Up to the chest. If she didn't have Homerically huge (paraphrasing Joss) pride & stubbornness blocking her view she'd probably realize she'd be better off crawling back to TW3 & being locked up than continuing to hang with a psychopathic alien sadist. But she is Homerically proud & stubborn...come to think of it, those were some of Achilles' faults, too...
Poor Shae, she has so screwed herself, & not in a good way.
That said, this particular incident was not because of boredom. He saw the game Shae was trying to play and decided it was time to get it over with and show her who was boss. As with keeping up the illusion he was faithful to Lucy (though she very well knew he was not), he let Shae have her illusion that she was in control until it wasn't necessary any more. He'll probably leave her alone most of the time, unless she's around, needs putting in her place, and he's bored, in which case all bets are off.
I'm not saying he doesn't have the moves. You get to be a few hundred years old, you're bound to acquire some just hanging around! And I'm not saying he doesn't enjoy himself; to the contrary, he loves it. It's just not what drives him.
Sex for him is something fun to do among lots of other fun things to do, like burning a city, or dropping musicians off the hangar deck, unless it serves other purposes as well. He can even do it sweetly if need be, as we'll see in a Lucy story I'm writing.
(Me with the sex again! jeebus!)
But. As with the Doctor, essentially the Master is unknowable. They're not human, and they do things for reasons we can't entirely comprehend.
It's why I choose never to write from either the Doctor's or the Master's perspectives. If I ever write "the Doctor thought..." I'll be very surprised.
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