Title: Valiant Chapter 9/38
Author: MeiLin
Characters/pairing in this chapter: Master, Doctor, Lucy, dead!Jack
Rating for this chapter: PG
Summary for this chapter: The Master's reign of terror begins.
A/N for this chapter: This chapter is original to the novella.
Valiant Central Page So it came to pass, that the human race fell, and the Earth was no more. And I looked down upon my new dominion as master of all, and I thought it...good.
In the conference room of the Valiant, the Master stepped over Jack's dead body. "Put this...thing...in the brig, gentlemen. He won't be dead long, trust me." The UNIT soldiers stared. "Yes, yes, I know, you're all scared stiff now. That's my lovely Archangel Network, broadcasting terror on all psychic frequencies. And of course, me," he chortled. "You should be terrified of me!"
He kicked Jack in the ribs and glared at the men. "Now." Two of them scurried up, and taking Jack under the arms carted him off.
The Master turned to the Doctor, half-lying on the floor where he and Lucy had dropped him. He looked so much smaller now that the Master had sent him into his dotage. "Doctor, I have to thank you, really, you made my job so much easier. Getting your hand chopped off fighting the Sycorax--lovely large DNA sample for Lazarus to work with. And how splendid that his age reversal process works so well in--well, in reverse! Did it hurt, when I aged you? I hope so." He smiled down into his familiar antagonist's now-withered face. "I didn't even have to track you down, you followed me all the way up here on your own! You just gave yourself to me along with both of your sidekicks!"
"Strange," croaked the Doctor, "I don't see Martha anywhere around."
The Master sat down on the floor, putting his arm around the Doctor. "Oh, not to worry, dear old Doctor. She may have transported back to the ground thanks to the freak's vortex manipulator, but she'll be back. Right here in this room, just as if she never left. She's just one girl. One little lovelorn ape girl," he smirked. The Doctor stared daggers at him. "I've killed, co-opted, or captured just about anyone who knows enough to help her. Torchwood, UNIT--oh yes, even the Brigadier, the old fart. Should've kept him alive, the two of you could've compared liver spots." The Doctor closed his eyes painfully.
"And when I get Martha back? And I will get her back, you know," the Master continued. "There is so much to show you about the proper way to handle a pretty little human companion." In the background, Lucy tittered.
"How I shall love hurting you," the Master said affectionately. "My most beloved enemy."