BONAMANA BONAMANA wtf is this shit

May 11, 2010 22:01

(9:48:34 PM) oh! 嗨!: i
(9:48:41 PM) oh! 嗨!: can't believe they just redid the sorry sorry mv
(9:48:47 PM) oh! 嗨!: in shades of sepia instead of bw
(9:48:56 PM) oh! 嗨!: they're still dancing in a b/w room and they cut to 3panel shots

(9:49:31 PM) oh! 嗨!: donghae is so fucking hot
(9:49:35 PM) oh! 嗨!: and min's hair, unf
(9:49:38 PM) oh! 嗨!: but i'm crying
(9:49:39 PM) oh! 嗨!: laughing
(9:49:40 PM) oh! 嗨!: crying
(9:49:42 PM) oh! 嗨!: mostly crying
(9:50:09 PM) oh! 嗨!: eeeee they had heechul up front for a dance move though <3

(9:53:29 PM) oh! 嗨!: the only reason i don't hate teh shit out of ths mv is bc i love the boys T__T
(9:53:37 PM) oh! 嗨!: and i am rofling at their wtf dance moves

Don't get me wrong, I still love these fuckers to death. ♥ MV needs moar Hae though. /licks

HQ not out yet, excuse the shitty pixelation. HQ out.

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Uh... So the good news is that this in no way inspires me to start writing kpop fic again? Nicely done, SME. BUT I CAN'T WAIT FOR LIVE PERFS FUCK YEAAAAAAH it will be a hot mess but I will lol and love them forever, shut up.

chatlogs for greater justice, i don't know how to feel about this, suju has too many members, obvious bias is obvious, haha that's almost funny, loling forever

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