What G.O. said about Heechul was homophobic.*
Yes, it is reflective of a much greater societal problem regarding the views and treatment of homosexuality in South Korea. His views might not be uncommon. That does not make it okay. That does not mean he should not be held accountable for his homophobic views; societal influence is not a free pass to being a bigot or an asshole.
I can't remember if I ever explicitly apologized for or defended what Yesung or Siwon or Taeyeon said - but I know what I thought at the time, that they shouldn't be blamed wholly because they live in a society that perpetuates that kind of belief. I've learned a lot since then and I retract that viewpoint. I know I was at least a little biased by the fact that they're in groups I like.
But just because I like a group for their music or antics doesn't mean I have to defend individual members for holding viewpoints that are, in fact, bigoted. Whether or not they intended for those views to be bigoted. Intent is rarely a requirement for being offensive or being bigoted; prejudice is so often ingrained so deeply in our subconscious that if we don't try to check ourselves and our privilege, we end up being a lot more sexist or racist or homophobic than we ever thought we'd be.
I was wrong and I apologize. I am learning and I hope that continues unhindered by my own biases.
But I would like to point out that what G.O. said was homophobic. And I don't think it should be defended or justified as if it's not.
*Link to sf_d because I refuse on principle to go to omona, even for news.