Battle of the Lightbulb | 10a/11 | NC17

Jun 28, 2000 15:06

Title: The Battle of the Lightbulb (or The Perils of Shared Living) | Interlude Three
Author :Meh_Forget_It
Beta: Wolfish_Willow
Fandoms: RPS
Warnings: Slash, m/m sexual relations, strong language,
Rating: NC17
Summary: Jared thought moving in to an apartment just off campus with four other guys in his second year of college was an amazing idea. It’s not long before he realises that it really wasn’t. Thankfully he has his insane best friend to keep him grounded and his childhood friend who lives in another apartment… and whose housemate is hot.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone, given they’re real people… And as of April 2010, owning people is illegal in Britain. Shame. So this didn’t/isn’t/won’t happen. Again, shame.
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, slight Mike/Misha
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Michael Rosenbaum, Tom Welling, Chad Michael Murray, Richard Speight Jnr, Christian Kane, Danneel Harris, Genevieve Cortese, Mark Sheppard…
Status: Complete
Word Count: 3,842 words

Part Ten

Interlude 3

«Misha just introduced me to voyeurism and orgies. Dude, you have to get Jaybee to bring you here.» - Mike to Jensen
«Mike's insane. Richard loves him and I think they're considering having a threesome with me. Mark may watch.» - Misha to Jared

Jared was amused when Misha had told him that he would be taking Mike to Asylum on his next night off, not actually considering what the hell that would do to Mike. It would be akin to taking a child to a house made of candy and telling it that there were no consequences and no wicked witch waiting to cook them. He wasn't sure how one would over-indulge in a fetish bar, but Mike would certainly find a way.

However, given what hours Misha worked and that he hadn't actually had a night off since the one night they'd been summoned there, Jared had no idea when that was going to be and had forgotten about it. Thus he'd forgotten to mention it to Jensen.

Which was why he was a little startled when his phone vibrated in his pocket with a message at the same time as Jensen's phone beeped with a new message. Groaning when Jensen pulled away from where he'd been kissing Jared, hands moving slowly down Jared's body and nearer to where Jared wanted them. Huffing, Jared leaned up from the couch slightly and tugged his phone from his pocket.

"You never told me that Misha was taking Mike to Asylum. How come you haven't taken me yet?" Jensen asked him, the smirk on his face making Jared give a small sigh of relief that Jensen didn't seem truly upset about it.

"I actually forgot about Misha's plan. Wanna go tonight? Mark did tell me that he wanted to meet you and that I should bring you along soon. Looks like he's there, judging by Misha's message," Jared told him, grinning when Jensen's eyes darkened a little and he then nodded his head.

"Could be amusing. We need to wear anything specific to be let in?" Jensen asked, standing up from where he'd been straddled over Jared's legs, and holding out a hand to help Jared stand.

"Um… not really. But I'll wear a collar and leash so we're both left alone. Just get cleaned up a little and we should be set to go," Jared told him, not moving from where he'd stood up flush against Jensen, looking down at him slightly and feeling his breath brush over his skin.

"We need to stop at your place on the way then, to grab a collar?" Jensen asked him, voice rough with want as he placed his hands on Jared's hips and rubbed his thumbs against the skin just above his jeans.

"Well, I have a collar in my bag, but I do need to grab something from my place, so yeah, we should do that. Come on, let's 'Dom' you up," Jared said, eyes glazing a little at the thought, before shaking his head and leading an amused Jensen to his room.

"'Dom' me up? You need to hang out with Misha a little less if you're starting to talk like him," Jensen told him with a chuckle. Jared glared at him over his shoulder before tugging Jensen into his bedroom and pulling at his shirt.

"All good subs learn to dress their doms, shall we start now?" Jared asked, dropping to his knees in front of Jensen, and mentally smirking when Jensen had to swallow heavily a couple of times before he seemed to be able to answer.

It took Jared and Jensen over an hour to get ready and stop at Jared's apartment to grab what he'd need, before they were finally at the Asylum. They invited Danneel along as well, since Jared felt she'd possibly be in her element there, and may like him a little more if he introduced her to Aldis. Jared was taken, not blind; he saw how hot Aldis was. She'd taken up the offer eagerly and had been dressed like she was born to dominate over the male population when they had stopped at her apartment to pick her up.

Once Jensen parked the car in the employee carpark, Jared telling him the code to do so and reassuring him that the car would most definitely be safe there should they have to get a cab back, Jared clipped the leash to his plain black leather collar, grabbed the small box he'd shoved in the glove box and then handed the other end of the leash to Jensen. Danneel watched them silently, then fanned herself with a smirk.

"I get to watch you two play Master and Slave all night? This is the best night ever, Jared, I may have to give you a raise for this," Danneel informed him with a salacious wink that made Jared grin and Jensen burst out laughing, shaking his head at them both.

"Come on, Danni, don't be touching my sub," Jensen told Danneel before giving the leash a tug and kissing Jared deeply. He pulled back with a smirk and then looked at Jared with a raised eyebrow. "So, where to?"

"Follow the music," Jared told them, turning and leading the way to the entrance. He ignored the fairly long line of people waiting to get inside and heading straight to the doorman, grinning widely when he saw it was Aldis. "Aldis! Good to see you working tonight! You on the main entrance all night?"

"Hey, Jared! Didn't know you were coming tonight," Aldis greeted, ignoring the glares and hissed comments when he opened the door for the three of them to enter. "And I'm working the doors to room five later on."

"Five? That BF tonight?" Jared asked, nose wrinkling a little. He'd never seen how people could be turned on by body fluids of any kind. It sort of grossed him out a little.

"Unfortunately. Me and Jamie drew the short straw. I'm going to assume this is the mysterious Jensen?" Aldis asked, looking at Jensen and grinning when Jared nodded. He then turned to look at Danneel and his eyes widened. "Who's your other friend, Jared?"

"Ah, Aldis, this is Danneel. Danneel, meet Aldis," Jared said, grinning when Jensen looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Pleasure," Aldis said, smiling widely at Danneel, who just smirked back at him, then looked at Jared with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, right, well, we're gonna head on in. Maybe talk to you later," Jared said as he pushed open the door and stepped aside to let Danneel and Jensen enter before him, before he followed closely behind Jensen. Scary, dense Dom-guy might be there and he didn’t, apparently, seem to understand the unspoken rules about claimed subs.

Using his height to his advantage, Jared looked over the heads of the people already inside and smiled when he saw Richard and Mark standing at the far end of the bar, nearer to the specialist rooms. He didn't see Misha or Mike anywhere, but he guessed that they may be in one of the rooms if he went by the messages he and Jensen had been sent.

Tugging at the chain in Jensen's hand a little, he motioned with his head the direction to walk in. Jensen nodded at him, reaching back to stroke a finger down Jared's throat. He turned back, nudged Danneel and started to lead them to the bar. As soon as he saw Mark and Richard, Jensen smiled and led the way over to them.

"Well, well, Dickie! Look who we have here! Jared's finally bought Jensen to us," Mark exclaimed as soon as he saw the three heading towards him. Richard quickly turned around and smiled brightly when he saw them.

"Jay! Good to see you! And nice to meet you again, Jensen," Richard greeted them, looking from Danneel to Jared with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, right. Sorry. Richard, Mark, this is Danneel Harris, my boss at Café Sol and a good friend of Jensen's. Danneel, this is Richard Speight and Mark Sheppard, they own this place and another club further in town."

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Harris," Mark told her, smirking and placing a kiss to the back of her hand when he she offered it to him, getting a giggle from her and shocking both Jared and Jensen when she blushed.

"Please, call me Danneel. This is a lovely place. I'm glad Jared brought me here too. I'm definitely going to be giving him a raise," Danneel added with a mutter as she looked around, eyes lingering on someone occasionally as she looked by them.

"Mark, um… Meesh explained a few things that you might appreciate for when you met Jen. Here," Jared said, handing the velvet box over, catching a glimpse of Mark's shocked face as he took it, clearly knowing what was inside it. Jared then glanced at the confused Jensen and gently tugged the leash out of his hands, kissing him on the cheek when he looked at Jared in confusion. "You'll understand in a minute."

Jared turned back to Mark and handed him the leash. He noticed that Richard and Danneel were now watching the three with interest while a couple of bystanders were also watching. Some clearly knowing what was going on, and/or knowing just who Mark was, going by the shock on their faces.

"You want Jensen to be your new Dom, Jared? You are happy with this choice? Happy that he'll be able to see to your needs?" Mark asked him, having snapped out of his shock as soon as the leash was placed in his hands. Jared glanced to the side at Jensen and saw a look of realisation on his face. Looking back at Mark, Jared nodded.

"Yeah, I think he will," Jared said, smiling widely when Mark just smirked at him, opening the box and taking the expensive, custom-made collar out.

"I accept your decision then," Mark told him and then shocked Jared by turning to face Jensen and, not only handing over the leash, but also the collar. "Don't look at me like that! I had that made for you. I ain't met anyone else your size, that collar is yours, Jared. It's up to Jensen now, when you wear it."

"I… thanks, Mark," Jared said, smiling at him widely, then turning to Jensen who was still looking a little stunned at the proceedings and was staring that the two items in his hands. Danneel snorted and turned to start a conversation with Richard, apparently now finding them boring. "Jen?"

"Huh… so… I now own you?" Jensen asked, finally looking up at Jared and smiling a little. Jared grinned back at him and then leered.

"Yep. I am yours to do with whatever you wish," Jared told him. He made a surprised noise in the back of his throat when Jensen tugged on his leash and kissed him forcefully, pressing him back against the bar and running his tongue over Jared's lips, pushing it into his mouth when Jared opened it with a moan. Jared finally got himself together enough to move his hands so one was gripping at Jensen's hair and the other was running up and down Jensen's back.

Jensen pulled back, nipping at Jared's bottom lip and laving his tongue over it in an attempt to sooth it. Jared blinked to look at Jensen, breathing a little heavier than before, and smiled.

"Want to start with bondage?" Jared asked breathlessly. Jensen smirked at him and nodded, which made Jared looked past him to where Mark and Richard were talking about something; Danneel nowhere to be seen. "Where's Danni?"

"She went to talk to Aldis when he came in for his shift on the door to Room Five," Richard told him, acting like he and Mark hadn't just been watching Jensen molest him in front of them, like he so knew they had.

"Right. Is Room Eight free?" Jared asked Richard lightly, and Jensen chuckled, muffling it by pressing his face into Jared's neck, licking the skin below the collar.

"It can be. You want to privately use it?" Richard asked him, grinning at them both while Jared tried to force himself not to blush, knowing he was failing miserably.


"I'll go get it sorted for you then," Richard told him with a smirk, walking off into the crowds in the direction of Room Eight.

"Tell Richard I went to his office, I'll leave you two alone. Have a fun night," Mark told them, chuckling when Jared weakly smiled at him, and turned and walked off.

"Want to get a drink while we wait for Richard to get back? It might take a while," Jared asked Jensen, leaning back to look at him. Jensen stepped back slightly, but didn't remove his hands from where they were on Jared's body.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Jared smiled at him and turned to wave down the nearest bartender, Lacey. Thankfully she knew Jared and thus didn't even consider charging him for the drinks. There really were bonuses to being good friends with the owners of the bar.

Jared closed the door behind them, swallowing nervously. He looked at Jensen, smiling when he saw Jensen looked just as, if not more, nervous than Jared. Which, Jared mentally conceded, was fair given this was Jensen's first time in Asylum at all, never mind his first time using a room there.

Casting a quick glance around the room and noticing several different places for someone to be tied down (or up, in the case of against the wall), Jared stepped up to Jensen, pressed a kiss to his lips before taking a step back and looking at Jensen searchingly.

"Where do you want me?" Jared asked. Jensen swallowed, licked his lips and looked around the room. He turned back to Jared with a wicked smile, looking a little more at ease about it all.

"The bed," Jensen told him, leading him by his leash to the large bed against the wall to their right, and pushing gently at Jared to lie down. Jared moved on the bed so he was lying in the center of it and his breath hitched when Jensen moved to straddle his chest, smirking down at him. "Arms up, Jay."

Jared looked at Jensen and moved his arms so that they were up over his head. He took his eyes away from where they were locked on Jensen's and watched as Jensen let his leash rest on his chest, slowly cuffing each hand to the wall above the headboard, dragging his fingers down Jared's arms slowly once he was done. Jensen moved backwards down Jared's chest, unbuttoning Jared's shirt and pressing a kiss to Jared's lips when he was finished. He climbed off of him and then the bed.

"Jen?" Jared asked, testing the cuffs restraining him before looking to where Jensen was watching him with dark eyes. When he saw that Jared's attention was on him, Jensen slowly unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing and let it fall off his shoulders to the floor. He licked his lips and smirked, torturously slowly opening the top button on his jeans. Jared yanked at his restraints and groaned when they didn't give, not that he really expected them to.

"Shh," Jensen soothed, moving to run a hand over Jared's chest before he pulled back and moved to the bottom of the bed. Jared was then made to go through the torture of Jensen slowly taking Jared's boots off and stripping him of his jeans and boxers, leaving him in just his unbuttoned shirt.

After what felt like an age, Jensen moved back to stand at the side of the bed, kicking his own boots off and pushing his jeans and boxers off. Jared whimpered as he saw just how aroused Jensen was and tugged at the cuffs. He stopped struggling when Jensen climbed back on to the bed, however, sighing quietly when Jensen pressed a calming kiss to his lips.

Then Jensen moved to kneel between Jared's legs and looked up to lock eyes with Jared, rubbing his hands over Jared's thighs soothingly.


"Yeah," Jared breathed out, arching slightly then Jensen's hands moved up his thighs and he left them resting on Jared's hips. Keeping eye contact with Jared, Jensen shifted and licked the head of Jared's erection, causing Jared to gasp, trying to force himself not to thrust up. Jensen pressed against his hips before lowering his head and taking Jared in as far as he could. "Jen!" Jared threw his head back, not able to thrust up due to Jensen's strong grip on his hips, and moaning at the intense heat of Jensen's mouth. He moaned loudly when Jensen started to move his head up, running his tongue over the tip and sucking. Jared could feel his toes beginning to curl in pleasure as Jensen bobbed his head up and down Jared's erection. "Jen! Jen, please!"

Jensen paused and looked up through his lashes at Jared. He flicked his tongue over the head and made Jared shout out his name when he swallowed Jared down, before pulling up and increasing the speed as he bobbed his head, sucking Jared harder and used his tongue to drive Jared insane. "Jen… Jense-" Jared threw his head back with a wordless cry, tugging on his restraints as his climax rocked through him and Jensen swallowed all of his release down. He pulled away from Jared's now flaccid penis, licking it and moving up Jared's body to press a sharp kiss to his lips. Jared moaned as he ran his tongue around Jensen's mouth, tasting himself.

Still kissing Jared, Jensen gently moved Jared's legs further apart and rubbed the hand that wasn't holding him up over Jared, along Jared's inner-thigh. Jared whimpered and moaned into the kiss when Jensen brushed over his entrance. Jared pulled back from the kiss as much as he could with a gasp, moving his legs even more and blinked in confusion when Jensen pulled away. He glanced to the side to see Jensen leaning over the side of the bed. Not a minute later he moved back between Jared's legs, putting a condom and some lube on the bed next to them.

Jared watched through hooded eyes as Jensen uncapped the lube and covered his fingers before he pressed a kiss to Jared's thigh and rubbed a finger over his entrance, pushing in. Jared's breath hitched and he pushed down against the finger, penis twitching in an attempt to become erect once more. A couple of minutes later Jensen added a second finger and began to scissor them, stretching Jared and kissing his thighs and semi-erect penis. Jared was fully erect and moaning by the time Jensen added a third finger, finding his prostate and pressing against it. Jared arched off the bed with a cry, pushing down to try and get Jensen's fingers in deeper.

"Jensen! Jen, enough! Please! I'm ready. I need-Jen!" Jared cried out, breathing heavily as he writhed on the bed when Jensen chuckled and brushed against his prostate again before removing his fingers.

"Okay, Jay," Jensen said softly, kissing Jared's knee when he moaned at the empty feeling left behind. Jensen quickly put the condom on, covering his erection in lube and moving to lie over Jared. He kissed him deeply, guiding his erection into Jared. Jared groaned in pleasure and moved to wrap a leg around Jensen's waist. He tugged at the cuffs, moaning loudly as Jensen's thrusts started to get faster and harder. "Jay. Fuck, Jay."

Jared moved with Jensen, digging his heel into Jensen's lower back urging him faster, deeper. He arched up even more into Jensen when he hit his prostate at the same time as biting down on his neck. "Jensen. Please. Deeper. Need you," Jared gasped out, wishing he could touch Jensen.

"God, Jay," Jensen groaned, moving his hand to wrap around Jared's erection, pumping in time with his thrusts. "Jay, gonna come. Want to feel you come with me in you."

Jared gasped, head falling back against the pillow as Jensen's words just increased his pleasure and he could feel his orgasm rising for the second time that night. "Jen! Jen, please, need…" Jared trailed off as he tugged at his restraints instead. Jensen shook his head and increased his thrusts and the pressed a kiss to Jared's neck.

"Come for me, Jay," Jensen whispered, and Jared arched up, crying out as his climax washed over him almost painfully. Distantly he felt Jensen slam into him as he cried out his own release, before slumping down on Jared, both breathing heavily.

"Jen…" Jared whispered, weakly giving his restraints a tug. Jensen kissed his neck, before he shifted, pulling out of Jared gently and depositing the condom in the bin next to the bed. He reached above Jared and undid the cuffs, rubbing Jared's arms as he gently lowered them to the bed and pressed a slow, lazy kiss to Jared's lips.

"Love you, Jay," Jensen whispered, making Jared's breath stick in his throat as he stared at Jensen in shock. He surged up to press a frantic kiss to Jensen's lips, running his hands over every inch of Jensen's body that he could reach, before pulling back and nuzzling into Jensen's throat.

"I love you too, Jen. Now, wanna get out of here and face the mocking of Richard and Mark?" Jared asked, pressing tiny butterfly kisses to the skin next to his lips. Jensen hummed in sleepy pleasure, running a hand through Jared's hair and then tugging on the leash that Jared had forgotten about.

"Let's get dressed and face the music. We're definitely coming back here again, Jay," Jensen told him with a smirk, kissing him deeply and pulling away so they could get dressed. Jared smiled at him and he just knew he had a love-struck look on his face. Not that he cared.

Part Eleven

fandom:rps, writing:big bang, rating:nc17, pairing:j2, fic:lightbulb, writing:slash, status:complete

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