Sibi quisque habeant quod suum est.

Jul 05, 2009 10:48

Also at backyard_birds Apologies for any cross postings.

We have had some Winter rain at last in Western Australia, and a storm knocked down the last of the fruit from my fruit trees. It has provided a feast of insects for this little willy wagtail - another one of our great  bird "characters".

Bugger off woman! )

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Comments 4

poodlemama July 5 2009, 03:41:46 UTC
Gorgeous! We used to get heaps of willywags swooping for midgies on sunny mornings when we lived out at the Kalgan River, as well as zebra finches and two kinds of blue wrens. Unfortunately in town here it's big birds' rule and the little guys keep a very low profile. I know they're there though because I hear that mad wren whistle in the bushes next to our house sometimes. Cat next door is a worry for birds, although I haven't seen her since I got home.
It's a lovely wonderful day down here with sun and whales. Hope you're having a good one up there too.


megwolff July 5 2009, 04:56:52 UTC
Yes, beautiful up here too - sunshine and mild temp! Am just about to head off for a couple of hours' walk. I might try and get a couple more pics as a few people on my flist aren't too well at present. They might like something cheerful to look at.

R. emailed me to let me know the whales were in down in Albany, and tried to lure me for a visit.:( Can't get away at present. D. is coming up next week on her way through to Sydney, so I will have a chance to catch up with all her news. I miss them all so much.

Don't you love these little guys to bits! We don't get those exquisite little wrens in Perth except in the Hills and John Forrest National Park (although the domestic and feral cats are a bit of a problem there too). The Kalgan would have provided a big insect menu for the smaller birds, what with the mozzies and midges. A glorious sight to see them diving about after food.

Have a great day S!

PS Have the dogs moved from the hearth yet? :0)


britalone July 5 2009, 18:26:52 UTC
Isn't it wonderful to connect with little creatures in this way. Over here it's the robins that are the most friendly, hopping around hoping that you unearth a nice juicy worm! Love the pics, he's a little cutie!
I just love the names you guys in Oz call the birds. Chitta chitta and willywags! Great stuff!


megwolff July 5 2009, 23:03:00 UTC
I love robins. We have a few varieties here but you don't see them in the city at all. How anything can be so perfect and tiny! I never saw a willy wagtail where I lived as a child, they tended to congregate on the south side of the river. Thankfully they are everywhere now, organising everyone's garden to their liking! :0)


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