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Comments 19

karate0kat May 6 2012, 03:16:24 UTC
2 eps left in the Nikita season. I think they're going to tie very closely into each other, like the last two episodes of last season. Just based on the synopsis for each ep.

Stoned Sean was pretty much the best thing ever. I couldn't stop giggling. "I'm cereal". And he was so sincere sounding I didn't actually notice he'd said cereal and not serious for the first five times I watched that scene. I thought the kiss at the end was very sweet. Birkhoff is such a shipper.

The Michael fight was good but it wasn't really memorable for me until the neck break + "I also taught you manners". Nothing like a good quip to make a death stand out.

They all seem like such a happy family at the end. I have such a bad feeling about the finale. Joss Whedon has taught me to fear happiness.


meganbmoore May 6 2012, 03:30:19 UTC
The manners comment made me take notice and skip back to the beginning, and you can see how Michael is kinda holding back because of the whole "I trained you/you think you're doing the right thing" bit and then he just goes "to heck with it" and goes to town on the guy ( ... )


att123 May 6 2012, 03:25:14 UTC
I'm disappointed in Daniel too. I thought he was above that, but I guess the Grayson in him won out. I think Emily isn't going to have any qualms about using him anymore. She's going to try and destroy him now too. I thought she was starting to fall for him a bit but that is gone now. He's become a Grayson in her eyes now.

I keep having this feeling that David is alive somewhere....


meganbmoore May 6 2012, 03:50:49 UTC
Yeah, I think Emily viewed Daniel as a good person with bad parents and was trying to protect him (Remember early on when she told Nolan he wasn't a target when he was acting like Daniel was?) and had feelings for him, but you could see her thinking that he was going to tell the truth (because a good person would, or at least wouldn't have defended Conrad that way after what he knew) and then he didn't and you could see the reassignation in her head.

I wonder that from time to time, about David? But so far, we don't have anyone in place to have saved or hidden him, and if he is alive somewhere, he must be in bad shape because I can't see him not going to either of his daughters in all these years. (And if he is alive and Nolan knows, Emanda will destroy him for not telling her.)

I really want to know about Emanda's mother.


att123 May 6 2012, 04:10:04 UTC
I completely agree with you. I was worried that she would start to fall for him, and honestly those two have some pretty good chemistry, but after what he did I don't see her letting him into her heart.

Yeah, he would have some serious explaining to do. I guess I keep hoping Emanda will have something to pull her back from her vengeance.

Me too. We don't know anything really about her.


meganbmoore May 6 2012, 04:21:00 UTC
I guess I keep hoping Emanda will have something to pull her back from her vengeance.

I think that's going to be Charlotte.


sisterjune May 6 2012, 04:07:53 UTC
Tahno is great because so far Korra's reaction to him is that he is repulsive and should be kicked in the face. which is pretty much my reaction to him. When she was like getting in Tahno's face I was yelling at the tv SMACK THAT SMUG GRIN OFF HIS FACE! and She did just that, with Naga. LOVE. HER. She was so amazing that episode. She hauled ass for both of those stupid boys. I love the brothers tho, esp Bolin. He's so adorable and legit felt bad for him when Korra kissed Mako. That said. I ship whatever Korra is most into and that seems to be Mako so thats where i am right now. But I do love her dynamic with Bolin so if she ever changes her mind and decides to jump Bolin. Girl I am so ready to ride that train all the way home. I kind of terribly curious and want to see fandom's reactions but I think I'm going to seriously regret it later.


meganbmoore May 6 2012, 04:23:39 UTC
Narratively, I'm fine with Tahno so far. I just dislike him intensely.


sisterjune May 6 2012, 07:45:17 UTC
So i checked the korra tag on tumblr, and I got like five entries in before I was like NOPE and closed the tab. Seriously what a gross fandom.


tigerpetals May 6 2012, 05:16:08 UTC
"So far, I find Tahno sleezy and annoying, which likely means fandom adores him. (Though I have enjoyed his scenes so far just for Korra's reactions.) "

Pretty much what I've seen in the only comm I frequent. Korra is also why I've enjoyed his scenes. He really is gross.

But thankfully that same place doesn't have shipper wars. I liked the episode even though it made me squirm with embarrassment, and hopefully it gets the canon shipper drama out of the way.

"So, everyone is hating on the Blue Fairy for what she said to Rumples, but, well, basically, she said what I was thinking. "

Same here. I think he is a complex villain, but part of that is that he is what is, and he drove away his son. I have the same annoyance in regards to how he is treated and how Regina is treated. She's the one I wanted to see more complexity and sympathetic portrayals of.

I agree about Emma's plot with Henry making sense but the metatext on biology and adoption being screwed up.


meganbmoore May 6 2012, 05:26:59 UTC
Yeah: The Emma and Henry plot primarily falls apart on the "biology trumps all" level ( ... )


moonspinner May 7 2012, 14:37:05 UTC
Please tell me POI didn't fridge Mercedez?

I'm always surprised at how many people are surprised by Daniel's actions. He's been written consistently as weak from the Pilot. What would have been shocking to me is if he had blown the whistle on his family.

I LOVED Emanda showing up at Nolan's place in her Batman cloak ("I'll call you right back" made me LOL) and throwing him against the wall. And weirdly, that scene made me finally see where all the Emanda/Nolan shippers were coming from. Heh.

Re: Korra? The Avatar writers are a bunch of trolls.


meganbmoore May 7 2012, 15:42:30 UTC
no, Mercedes was the PoI of the episode. She played an abused wife on the run from her husband and lived. It was Reese's ex that was fridged.

I think the thing about Daniel is that while he's always been played as weak, he's also been a generally decent person. Blowing the whistle on Conrad completely would have been out of character, but completely supporting him is just as extreme. Based on previous characterization, I would have expected him to avoid the subject of Conrad's guilt and talk about how he intended to bring Grayson Industries through this regardless of what happened. (I do think Emanda thought/hoped he would come clean, though.)


moonspinner May 9 2012, 15:21:30 UTC
No, I don't think Daniel was portrayed as a generally decent person. In the pilot, we see him being tempted to do drugs, and we find out that he drunk-drove his girlfriend into a tree and not only got away with it, never once visited the girl. However, he has been shown to take the side of whichever parent he finds most sympathetic with at the time.


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