I decided to make a blogcrew for the 2 Mulan movies cause I am such a fan of it XD I combined the movies together so you can only choose one character.
Why does my Dad always comes up and takes Yi Ru (Daughter of one of my Dad's friends at work & 2 years younger than me) when they're talking about my studies. For heaven's sake!! She's 2!! 2!! years younger than me. Her papers are WAY EASIER than mine. I told him a million times HE SHOULDN'T BE COMPARING ME AND HER! He's always saying that she can
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Like I said, I was gonna take requests. Forgive me for having lousy so little songs as I wasn't supposed to. I wish I had more music T__T
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Pick icons from my userpics: 1. One that makes you automatically think of me. 2. One that you think I should TOTALLY use more often. 3. One that you don't get/needs more explanation/you have no idea why the hell I have it.