New Fic: Stun

Apr 15, 2011 16:07

Ever since that damned car accident and subsequent career change, she’d found things to be quite different.  Sure she had appreciated the female form before, and had even forayed into a relationship with another woman but she’d never been quite as obsessed as she was now.

Who was she obsessed with?  Detective Samantha ‘Sam’ Baker that’s who.  Ever since she’d met the other woman she’d found herself wondering things about her, not all of them naked things either (though there were a lot of naked thoughts).

Like which side of her family was of Asian heritage or did she always want to be a detective?  Normal everyday thoughts.  Invariably her thoughts would turn to naked ones and she’d wonder what Sam’s voice would sound like in the heat of passionate sex.

“Penny for your thoughts.”

Megan was so startled she jumped spilling her coffee across her desk.


“Let me help you with that.”

Megan looked up into the dark eyes of the object of her previous thoughts.  Sam had grabbed some tissue from the sink in the corner of the office and helped clean the coffee.

“What did you ask me,” Megan asked throwing her coffee cup in the trash

Sam took a seat in the chair across from the other woman, “I said penny for your thoughts.”

Megan looked down at her hands, “Honestly?”

“That’s always a good thingy.”


The detective raised an eyebrow at that, “And what were you thinking about where I’m concerned.”

Megan smiled, “For a detective you are pretty slow.”

She felt her heart clench when the other woman smiled at her in a way making Megan think she knew exactly where her thoughts had been.

“Oh I know about those thoughts,” Sam spoke lowly, “I wondered about what was making you blush when I walked in.”

Megan cleared her throat, “I don’t blush.”

“I bet I can change that.”

“Are you flirting with me?”

“Do you want me to be?”

The other woman certainly was bold.

“You know, I think I do,” Megan answered just as bold


The detective got to her feet, “Dinner tonight at eight.  I’ll pick you up.  Wear something sexy.”

With those words the other woman left leaving Megan staring after her in surprise.  This was going to be fun.

fanfiction, sam baker, megan hunt, body of proof

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