Title: Hidden
Pairing: You know where you are!
Rating: R-ish
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Author's Note: Glad to see we are getting more member's but we still have to get this place going. This came to me after tonight's episode. It's not so much a spoiler but something that popped into my head when I heard Sam say Megan's name. It's short but when an idea strikes you write it. You'll see. Enjoy.
Doctor Megan Hunt
It had a nice ring to it. Doctor. Megan hadn't always wanted to be a doctor and she found sometimes that she quite missed it now that she couldn't be one anymore.
"Why do you not want me to call you Megan?"
Megan looked up from the pot on the stove over to Sam Baker who was strolling into the living room, her hair damp from her shower, "What?"
"You call me by my first name, hell I call Peter by his first name, but you always want me to call you Doctor Hunt. I wondered why."
That was a loaded question and answer. Switching off the stove with a flick of her wrist the redhead turned to her lover, "Honestly."
"That would be preferable."
Megan strolled over to Sam invading her personal space, "I like the way you say my name."
A low throaty chuckle came from the Detective, "You like the way I say Doctor Hunt."
"Yes," Megan commented as the other woman pulled her into her body, "It makes me all tingly."
"Well then who I am to steal your joy?"
Megan smiled.