Title: Shattered Mind
Author: Max Evelyn (Fearcat on Livejournal)
Joanhello and
scarlet_frostz (members from the megamind_movie Community on Livejournal)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Post-movie story, Megamind’s newest invention explodes setting stage for something a new to hit Metro City.
Author's Note: I didn’t realize that I upload both chapter 1 and 2 last time ¬.¬ not changing it.
Continuing From:
Declaration of Truth and JusticePrevious Chapters:
Prologue /
1&2 /
3 /
4 /
5 /
6 /
7 /
8 ~~~~
“She’s not answering.”
Wayne came out of the kitchen and looked at him with narrowed eyes. “She’s at the Lair. Try calling Minion.”
“I called him first. He’s not answering, either.” Megamind looked down at Newton. He leaned down and made a little fuss over the cat. Newton miaowed back.
He stood up, turned and made his way to the door. As he did, he grabbed a set of keys. Wayne followed him. Both walked to the garage and Wayne watched as the blue alien opened it.
One of the neighbours next door was in her front garden. She looked over at them; she called over, “Hey sweetie --"
She took one looked at Wayne and within moments she was glaring at him with cold brown eyes. Megamind noticed. “It’s okay, Alice Evelyn."
“If you say so, love.” She turned her back to the ex-hero and walked down the street away from them.
Wayne watched her go, then he turned to Megamind. “What’s up with her?”
“Oh that’s Alice Evelyn. She’s not a big fan of yours. She’s also a villain.” He smirked at the wide-eyed look Wayne was giving him now. “Oh, yes. I still keep in contact with a small number of my old villainous friends. Don't tell Roxanne.” His grin faded slightly. “She found out I lived next door to her only a few months ago. The next time I was here, she invited herself over and then forced me to talk about it all over tea.” He looked at Wayne and sighed. “Oh, she may be a villainess but she’s a great lady and she’s British."
“Okay.” Wayne shook his head still confused “what’s her other name? Have I heard of her?”
“Oh, I think you’ve heard of her.” He smirked and opened his mouth, but at that moment ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ started playing; Wayne looked over at Megamind and realized that it was his phone. He smirked.
Megamind took the phone out and opened it. “Ollo.” He stopped what he was about to say and just listened. After a long silence, he replied in a panicked tone, “Markus? A Monster made of lava? Uh, what did you just say, and what’s that sound?” A worried look appeared on his face.
Wayne used his super hearing to listen in on the conversation. “--that reporter, Jeremy Autumn, got into the closed site and he’s been turned into a lava monster--” Wayne could also hear screaming. He then interrupted. “Little buddy, I really think we should go, now!"
Megamind nodded and then spoke into the phone; as he did, his eyes narrowed. “Markus, tell your men on sight to get somewhere safe.” He closed the phone and made his way over to the car. He had gotten to the door and put the key in, then looked back at Wayne.
The ex-hero was listening to the chatter on all the army radios with his super hearing. He then looked back at the ex-villain. “It’s on the north side of the city.” He smiled. “We’ll have to get there fast."
Suddenly, without any warning, Wayne moved fast, grabbed him and lifted him, then just took off into the air, leaving Newton in the front window looking up. “Miaow.”
As the two came closer to the crater site both aliens could see police cars moving to let the more powerful military vehicles move in.
As he slowly descended, Wayne watched one of the military vehicles stop. Men came jumping out the back. He followed them with his eyes.
“Put me down. Put me down!” a slightly panicked voice yelled out. “Now, Wayne!”
Wayne was more focused on what was ahead. His eyes widened at the sight in front of him. In the crater, near the edge, was a monstrous beast of green fire and hard lava-like skin. But Megamind's constant moving brought him back. “Oh, will you stop moving around so much?” His voice rose. “Megamind, stop--” He couldn’t finish as Megamind had been moving within his arms so much that he dropped him; luckily, it wasn’t that high up.
Within second of dropping to the ground he stood up and looking around wildly at the crater site. Wayne landed lightly next to him.
“Next time stay still,” Wayne growled.
Ignoring him Megamind spotted some people he knew and rushed over, leaving a confused Wayne behind him. Megamind’s gleeful voice was heard loudly around the area. “Hey, Markus, been long time."
Markus turned and smiled at him. “Oh. Hey, Afeeke” He then noticed Wayne behind the blue alien. He narrowed his eyes. When he finally spoke again his tone was flat. “Hello, Metro Man.”
This told Wayne that this Markus guy wasn’t a fan of the retired hero. Wayne’s eyes widened at what this newcomer was wearing and he looked at the back of Megamind’s head. The movement made Markus smirk. He mostly ignored Wayne and focused on Megamind. “I see they let you out again.” The tanned and heavy-build man grinned.
“Yeah, you know Alan.” he grinned; the other man laughed.
Wayne completely missed that something important was happening here and his mind latched on to something simple. He stepped closer. “Your name’s Afeeke?” Wayne looked shocked at hearing his ex-rival’s real name. The look on Megamind’s face was a picture.
“Yes, Wayne, it is.”
The group looked through the van’s front window. “That beast will tear us apart!” He looked at Megamind, who nodded in understanding. He twisted a setting on his watch. “Just sent a command to call for some brainbots.”
“I wish you had those bots on our last mission,” Markus added.
Megamind turned his head and notice Greg and Katie walking closer to them. He smiled, then asked Markus “What’s the General’s orders?”
Katie’s eyes widen she spotted Megamind. She walking over to him, then she stopped and her eyes narrowed. Then her fist hit Megamind’s face, but he stood his ground. “THAT!” she spat, “was a thanks for your so-called back up last time."
Markus winced as he watched Megamind rub his face. He turned to her. “Look, I’m sorry, Katie, but I had to get back to Metro City for --”
Grey slung his arm around Megamind. “Give it up, your Death Ray plan worked great.” He looked sideways at the blue alien. “Okay, it failed, but it was still funny watching you.” Megamind sighed and closed his eyes.
Katie turned to Wayne with cold eyes, looking back at Megamind. “Oh, yeah, Afeeke.” Her face changed like lighting and she hit him playfully on the shoulder. “I’m so glad you finally came over to our side. It’s going to be amazing to finally work with you like we all should have.” Megamind grinned.
Wayne watched this display unfold in from of him. He suddenly held up his hands and called out, “Okay, stop, please, just stop. This is all just too crazy.” He looked from Megamind to the soldiers. He pointed at Megamind “How come you're suddenly best buddies with the US military? Do Minion and Roxanne know?"
Megamind and the soldiers looked at each. Megamind shook his head “Roxanne doesn’t know but she will after today.”
Next to speak was Katie. “Look, sweetie, I’m sure you think you know everything about Megamind since you’re the one that turned him into a villain.” He smiled and nodded at Megamind. The military woman continued. “But, sorry to tell you this, but he and Minion have both been helping us for the past 4 years."
A shocked Wayne just stood staring at the blue alien.
It had now been an hour since Megamind had taken the medication for the migraine, but being on site with his military team, he found it was slowly returning. As he looked around the battle field, he saw the reason why neither Minion nor Roxanne had answer their phones.
Roxanne stood with her new camerawoman Rosina. She was reporting what was happening to the rest of the city. He mentally thanked her for warning the city. He soon snapped out of his daydream as something dark and blurred flew past.
He turned in surprise. It was Minion in the spiderbot, trying to avoid large fiery rocks being thrown at him.
Wayne was still shocked from what he had just heard about the ex-villain. When he recovered enough, his eyes widened at the sight of a large creature that was made out of living lava.
Megamind saw that all the spiderbot’s attacks were completely useless on the rock body but that wasn’t stopping Minion and the soldiers from fighting. They were just not going to give up. He grinned with pride. Megamind lowered to a crouch and made his way over to Roxanne knowing she was still reporting but he needed information and Markus needed to command his men, so that left only her to find out what was happening.
She looked at him; as he got closer, she noticed Wayne, too. Her face lit up briefly forgetting the camera. “Guys! Oh, thank god you’re both here.”
There was a sudden loud crash and all three turned and saw the spiderbot impacted on another news van, Megamind stopped half way to Roxanne, his eyes widened in shocked. He could tell the spiderbot was on its back and Minion was trapped. Panic fill his mind. Megamind rushed forward. “MINION!” he yelled.
The blue alien fell to his knees. He started to dig and pulled at the metal, not caring that he was cutting through his leather gloves to his hands.
All that was going around his mind was Minion, you'd better be alright. He hadn’t realizing how close to the lava monster they both were until he looked up through the legs of spiderbot. His whole body seemed to freeze in its glaring with red eyes.
He heard that same voice that had sung the song speak. This time it cold and calm. *let me play*.
Minion’s voice called out from under the fallen bot. “Sir, Sir, run, oh, please just run."
*let me play, let me play, I know its weakest point* the calm, cold voice in the back of his mind spoke.
Megamind was shaken back to reality at his friend’s voice and he locked with his eyes, *let me play*. He sat back, his own eyes narrowed, and looked up at glowing red ones. Within his mind, he felt the spark, unnoticed by everyone. His eyes blazed violet for a few seconds.
The cold voice sang again, *its head, its head*
His eyes widened as the monster slowing opened it’s mouth, feeling the heat come from it. He turning on the spot and yelled back, “WAYNE! Its head."
Roxanne and everyone around them watched in shock and surprised as the former hero rushed forward at the sudden order from his ex-rival, now friend. Wayne flew in fast and hit the lava demon’s head, then he turned sharply flew in low and grabbed the spiderbot, Minion and Megamind. Seconds later, lava poured out of the monster’s mouth, melting the van.
Landing back on the ground some distance away, Megamind noticed Minion’s robotic right leg was damaged from the heat. He rushed out of Wayne’s grip and came close to his friend. He ran his shredded leather gloves over the metal leg. His hands had cuts, but nothing too deep.
“Looks like the heat just melted some parts,” he spoke while looking at Minion. “It’ll make walking a little hard. I can fix it later at the Lair.” He was glad his friend was okay.
“Oh, Sir, thank goodness.” Minion fussed over him for a few minutes. “Where have you been the last few days?”
“I’ve been around.” He grinned as he let Minion fuss over him for a while. “I’m fine, Minion.” He looked over at the large lava monster.
Wayne chose that moment to ask, “What is that thing?”
From the ground, Minion spoke to both of them. “Sir, Mr. Wayne, that thing, as you put it, was Jeremy Autumn.” He looked at the soldiers, then back. “I got a call from Mr. Markus Sparrow about an hour ago telling me he needed help with this monster.” He looked down. “I’m sorry, Sir. I have been trying to get hold of you."
Megamind looked at his friend. “I knew I should have called."
Minion grinned. “Simply put, Sir, the asteroid in the crater has changed him. I haven’t had time to do a scan, so I can’t tell you how.” Both heroes looked at him, then looked back over at the large monster.
Thinking back, Megamind snapped his fingers and pointed at the fish. “That idiot from the press conference,” said the blue alien. Minion nodded.
Megamind saw Roxanne come over to them with two armed men; one was Markus and the other was Greg. “Megamind.” She looked at Wayne and smiled. “Good work."
This moment was broken by the lava monster’s howls of rage. Megamind looked at Minion. “Minion, your bodysuit and the spiderbot are both damaged. You can’t --” he spoke sadly he looked over at the monster, seeing that it had broken out of the site and was heading towards the city.
“It has to be stopped, Sir.” the fish spoke. Minion watched his friend. “Sir, go. I’ll be ok."
Markus stepped closer “Hey, I’ll look after him. Promise.” He smiled, watching as Megamind stood and stepped away from them slightly. The blue man turned to Wayne. “Looks like Metrocity needs my wonderful help yet again.” The former hero rolled his eyes at the smaller alien but the next words that were spoken made his grey eyes lock with toxic green. “Would you care to assist me?"
Wayne looked around at people who had noticed them and started to come closer; he saw the looks in their eyes. Then he looked at Megamind again nodding in agreement “Oh. Yeah, of course I’ll help you; I just hope we can stop Jeremy.” He looked in the direction the monster was now moving. It seemed to be going faster toward the city.
“I don’t think that’s his name anymore,” said Greg; he had his back to them as he was watching the monster “It’s more like a Behemoth.”
Megamind grinned insanely. “Well, Greg, we can come up with a better name to call this monster later. Right now I have hero work, which is never ending.” He looked back at the other three. “We’ll be right back."
Roxanne nodded and within her mind she said Be safe, you two.
Both grinned at her and Minion. Wayne stepped closer to Megamind and within moments both vanished in a cloud of dust.
Chapter 4