Yuletide letter

Oct 20, 2007 15:32

Dear Yuletide writer,

First off, thanks so much for participating in Yuletide!  I hope you have fun thinking and writing this year.  This is my first year participating, so honestly I don't have much in the way of expectations (hah, which could be good or bad for you, I guess).  But, really, I think you're awesome...Imagine, someone writing fanfic ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

everinbluejeans October 21 2007, 05:07:20 UTC
You lj-disappear for a billion years and THIS is what you come back with?! Punk.


meepette October 21 2007, 05:27:52 UTC
I posted a real update just a couple of weeks ago, friendslocked. Not much has changed since then, sorry. Except it's gotten colder.


everinbluejeans October 21 2007, 19:57:29 UTC
But! But! ...Okay, I've got nothing. :(


magelady October 22 2007, 01:18:21 UTC
I'm sorry I know I've dropped off the face of the earth but...I'm not sure I can put this in a context. You want Circle fanfiction, that I get. What is Yuletide?


meepette October 22 2007, 02:23:36 UTC
It's something Meredith introduced me to, and I'm giving it a try this year. See this link for an explanation of Yuletide (oh, and expect an email from me soon, 'cause, yeah, it's been too long).


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