Yuletide letter

Oct 20, 2007 15:32

Dear Yuletide writer,

First off, thanks so much for participating in Yuletide!  I hope you have fun thinking and writing this year.  This is my first year participating, so honestly I don't have much in the way of expectations (hah, which could be good or bad for you, I guess).  But, really, I think you're awesome...Imagine, someone writing fanfic just for me!

You won't find all that much about fanfic by poking around elsewhere on my journal.  I don't read heavily in any one genre, but I usually enjoy everything I read, provided it's written with half a brain a modicum of grammar.  This year, I requested only book-fic, 'cause it'd be something new for me.

My tastes run towards humor, romance, and happy endings.  Cleverness is always appreciated!  Angst is okay, but I don't really come to fanfic for sadness and pain (each of us probably already has enough of that in real life, no?).  In romance, I like het or femslash.  Couldn't care less about the rating, though I'm not aching for tons of smut.

Here are some extra notes on each of my requests.  (I don't meant to overwhelm, but I always like to know more than less.)  I hope they help!

1st Request:
-It probably didn't come out in my request, but I'm really torn on what I want here.  First, I am so impatient for some extended scenes of romance in this series (and truthfully, who knows when/if that would ever happen in the books?).  But, I also think all of the characters in this series are wonderfully crafted, so a nice gen fic would be really cool.

2nd Request:
-Heh, I hope this didn't catch you off guard.  They're my two favorite characters in the series, and I didn't really mean as a romantic pairing.  Something involving either of them would be fine, and you certainly don't have to focus on the topic I suggested in my request detail.

3rd Request:
-To clarify, I actually meant to ask for something between the two of them either during the series or occurring after.  Again, it's the characters I'm looking for, and I'd love to see more interaction between them.

4th Request:
-The bit in the request detail was meant more as a prompt than a demand.  I know it's been a contested issue in the fandom, but I don't really want to read inter-Circle romance.  I feel like Gen would be more appropriate for this one, but if your muse leads you elsewhere, don't let me stop you.
Happy writing!
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