We do what I do best, Sammy. RESEARCH!

Oct 21, 2009 11:01

Just a quick WTF post because -- it's a long story and it's easier to link people to it than explain fifty thousand times XD Cut for rambling, German men, and inappropriate use of Nutella.

Okay, so.

Pretty sweet looking earth you might say. ROUND! Hanyway, so.

Today. I have all my midterms. Which, you know. Sucks. But one was a take home so that one's out of the way. One of them was supposed to be on Monday but got moved to today do to a popular vote. Since I was sick over the weekend and didn't study (sleeping > studying, yo), I was all for Wednesday.

I actually asked one of my teacher's if I could take the exam tomorrow, and he said, and I quote, "My exam was on the books, first." I was like, "... oh wow, sir. You know, I had long suspected that each teacher thought his class was most important, but I remained hopeful that this was not true. You have torn the clouds from my eyes and brought me back to earth. Thank you, sir. Thank you."

So anyway, that didn't work out XD

But yeah. I got up at ass this morning to finish my take home exam, which I'm all in all pretty pleased with. Now, I live in the language house. This means that each house (French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese) has a professor that sponsors the house, and an RA from a country that speaks the language. Jean Bernard is our RA. He's pretty much entirely comprised of adorable. He learned English in England, so he speaks English with a British accent. I want to ruffle his hair and give him tea.

So, yeah. I was finishing up my paper when Jean Bernard walks in. I was like "Oh hi! Just finishing up the first of my three midterms, I'll get out of your hair." He told me that Kai Diers was coming in at 10:30 to speak French for a bit, would I like to join them?

Kai Diers is the German House Professor. He looks like Til Schweiger. But adorable, with a really dorky sense of humour.

Now, for those of you who know me, you know I have a thing for foreign accents and languages. Especially French, German, and British. Inglourious Basterds was a fun movie for me.

Let's review.

Jean Bernard: French, speaks English with a British accent.

Kai Diers: German, speaks English with a German accent.

The two of them: Speaking French together.

I could not have been happier if Jean Bernard had said they were going to be speaking French while naked. Maybe with something involving Nutella, I don't know. But -- nngf.

Did I want to join them?

Yes. Yes please. Dear God yes please. This was what I needed to improve my craptastic day of three exams.

Oh wait, what time were they meeting? 10:30? I have an 11am class and have to print my take home exam, first. And then use a few spare minutes to review.

I sadly must decline.

So I print out my exam (all what -- twelve pages of it? Christ) and scurry off to class. On the way there, I attempt to use the water fountain. I pressed it down a little, and a teeny trickle of water came out. I pressed it down harder, and the fucker geysered directly into my forehead.

To add insult to injury to wetness, after we turned in our take home exams, we were allowed to go. I was tempted to run back and see if they were still talking, but I resisted.

I did, however, make a point to tell Jean Bernard to ask Kai to come to the French table sometime. Like tonight. Pretty please.

Also it's raining really hard. Why the hate, universe? Why?
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