Quiet, Captain Poppinfresh! I think they are talking about your golden flakey crust!

Mar 23, 2009 13:27

... yeah, the title has nothing to do with anything XD Two things, one random, one important.

Random first:

So for those of you who haven't heard, I have lately totally gotten into Supernatural. Latecomer, I know, but -- I'm lame, what can I say? I'm also a TA for a French class, and I was dorkily excited when I realized -- we have Sam and Dean clones in our class. Okay -- the Sam clone is not like Sam at all, he just had the same haircut. But he cut his hair short so he's not Sam anymore. Sad days. But the Dean is actually -- Deanish XD We were at a Mardi Gras dinner when it hit me who he reminded me of.

Me: ... okay this is random and has nothing to do with anything, but do you watch Supernatural?
James: ... I might have seen it, I have no idea.
Me: Because you remind me of the main character.
James: Why, because I'm ruggedly handsome? *charming grin*
Me: ... and that is why you're Dean.

A few minutes later, he realized we had dessert on the table and called down to someone to pass it to him. Though 'called down' is a little too polite for what he actually said XD "-- PIE! THERE'S PIE? GIMME THE PIE!"

In sum: Dean. XD

In other, more important/exciting news... I have a new girlfriend. Really new, as of -- two days ago. Day and a halfish -- it was a long rambling conversation that eventually lead to us obliquely referring to the fact that we like someone, and the other person inferred that that someone was us. ... if that... makes sense. Maybe not, it was confusing.

Anyhoo, Rachelle (prosopopeya) and I are together. Is the -- point of the earlier rambling. I'm still a little scatterbrained, apologies. So... yay :)

And now, to go break my brain with more Lolita. What a terribly disturbing book. But... interesting. And also required for class, so there we go.
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