you like boots and perfume

Jun 19, 2010 21:49

Title: Give An Inch
Pairing: Alex/Tony
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 650
Summary: Tony talks shoes, Alex flirts like the total hornbag she is (ooh, bad summary).
A/N: Penis jokes in a WitB fic? Who would’ve thought.

your red pumps and your Cadillac blues )

character: alex fielding, wire in the blood, fic, porn???, character: tony hill

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Comments 6

mammothluv June 19 2010, 22:28:06 UTC
This dorky grin on my face right now? All your fault. You and your fic have me absolutely delighted.

This is adorable, sexy and a wee bit pervy much like Alex and Tony themselves.

It's so endearing that Alex is insecure about her height and that Tony rushes to reassure even if he doesn't quite get it.

I freaking love this image:
There’s the smirk again, and the pointed edge of her tongue darting like a minnow between her teeth. With that, her toes, plus the dress he’s been working very hard all evening to avoid staring at, by now he’s almost entirely convinced he’s being seduced, or perhaps dreaming, albeit with impossible lucidity.And I adore so many other things about this: Tony questioning the freakishly high heels AND admiring the fact that Alex can actually run in them, Tony making a penis joke which I image took Alex quite by surprise (I would have killed to see her face right then.), and, of course, Alex and her wandering feet. The minx ( ... )


meelsie_love78 June 20 2010, 11:22:02 UTC
Oooh, I'm glad you liked this little snippet! I've no idea where it came from; Tony's cheeky line just popped into my head yesterday out of the blue. I lol'd, which was embarrassing, but anyway...

I figure Alex must be at least a little bit insecure about her height; there's really no other explanation for just how high her heels are (and they're really high). Obviously they made her wear them to make it easier to get her into frame with Robson, but reality is boring, right? In terms of the actual character, there's no practical reason for a cop who spends a lot of time scurrying around to wear ridiculously high stiletto heels all the time.

I figure she's bust out a reallyhigh pair in pornographic red whilst on a date with Tony. And then take them off in order to do vaguely whorish things with her toes. Poor Tony (or, more accurately, lucky Tony ( ... )


mammothluv June 21 2010, 01:31:46 UTC
Oh, I loved it. I don't blame you for laughing out loud. Cheeky Tony can do that to a person!

I totally buy Alex's insecurity about her height. She's got to have a few little weakness, being a superwoman in so many other areas and all. And I dig these pornographic heels for her date with tony not to mention the alarmingly slutty dress and the whorish things she does with her toes. Lord, she's a woman after my own heart (and yours, and Tony's and Paula's and...)

I'll try to make sure I fit one in as often as I can in future fics!
I now think it would be hilarious if you wrote a really serious and angsty fic and just threw a random penis joke in the middle. I'm sorry. I'm obviously 12.


meelsie_love78 June 21 2010, 09:21:40 UTC
You know what? Making a random penis joke in the middle of a horribly angsty moment would probably be quite in character for Tony. He's always very keen to distract her and pull her out of her angry/emo funks, and a dick joke would be just the trick! I'm going to have to give this idea some serious consideration.


xamanthe July 16 2010, 15:55:10 UTC
I loved this. I've been mainlining WitB the last few days and am a little bogged down in the darkness of the cases, so it's nice to get a quiet and funny moment with these two. I love their relationship. They are actually very sweet with each other when they aren't snarking. I still have the last ep of S6 and the special to watch. Didn't want to read too much fic until I wasn't getting spoiled.

Thanks for writing and sharing this. I love reading all the meta you and mammothluv have written about these two. Usually it's so hard to find current discussions about a show when it's older.



meelsie_love78 July 16 2010, 22:29:19 UTC
Thanks so much for reading!

Mainlining WitB sounds like a fantastic way to pass the time, in my opinion. I definitely know where you're coming from when you say it's difficult getting stuck in the darkness and the angst; I know mammothluv and I have often agreed that that's the exact reason why we both like to write and read fluffy and/or ridiculously porny fic about these two; it's almost as if they deserve a reprieve from all the horrible stuff they go through.

If you're interested in seeing how this evening progressed, the sequel to this fic is right here!. It's a switch over to Alex's POV on the rest of the night.

Well, that's entirely too nice of you to refer to our insane ramblings and carrying on as 'meta', so thank you! And you can definitely rest assured that we have absolutely no intention of ever stopping discussions about this show. Like, ever. Feel free to join in at any point!


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