Fabrication (13/27)

Aug 06, 2010 07:45

“Like hell you don’t play games,” Luke declared angrily, walking past Reid into the apartment.

Reid turned around, staring at him. Then he faced the door again, closing it.

“Come in,” he said with exaggerated hospitality.

“Don’t - just don’t even start,” Luke replied.

“You show up here uninvited and immediately start yelling at me, and I’m supposed to be polite?”

“Like you’re ever poli - the baby isn’t sleeping, is he?”

Reid smiled in spite of himself. “No. Katie and Jacob aren’t home. So, Mr. Snyder, what games am I supposed to be playing?”

“Calling me Mr. Snyder, for one,” Luke scoffed. He put his hands in his pockets and started to pace. “And then this hot-and-cold, back-and-forth thing.”

Reid opened his mouth to respond, but Luke stepped closer and interrupted him. Putting a hand to his heart, Luke turned earnest. “I know, I know I messed up. The thing with Casey was this stupid, knee-jerk reaction that I didn’t know how to get out of. That doesn’t excuse you from - ”

“And Noah?” Reid asked aggressively. “You two seemed pretty close this afternoon.”

Luke groaned, tilting his head back. “I should have guessed you’d have something to say about that. That was nothing, and you know it. This might come as a surprise to you, but lots of people have these things called friends. Sometimes we’re affectionate with each other.”

Reid nodded skeptically, taking another step closer to Luke. “Really? That’s all? Because he told me all about your past - how you were each other’s first boyfriends. First kisses.”

Luke laughed scornfully. “What was I supposed to say? ‘I sucked face with my mom’s doctor last year.’ Would you really have wanted that getting around Oakdale High?”

Reid didn’t say anything, and Luke breathed deeply.

“You risked your career to kiss me when I was 16,” Luke finally said. “And then you left the state. You kissed the hell out of me in Texas when you thought I had a boyfriend, and then walked away from me in disgust when you found out I was single. Earlier today, you were all about going back to Dallas, just running away again, and now you get jealous over Noah. Why is it, Dr. Oliver, that you only seem to want me when you can’t have me?”

Reid met his eyes quickly, emotions flashing across his face. “I want you all the time,” he said emphatically.

Luke took one step closer, suddenly realizing they were standing mere inches apart. He exhaled sharply. “Then what are you waiting for?” he whispered.

Reid reached out, grabbing Luke and pulling him into a crushing kiss. Luke gave back as good as he got, arching back slightly from the force of Reid’s embrace even as he reached up to bury his hands in Reid’s hair. As their lips separated, Luke let out a shaky breath, half surprise and half desire. The sound nearly drove Reid mad. He closed his lips over Luke’s again, snaking his tongue inside Luke’s mouth.

Reid pushed Luke’s jacket halfway off his shoulders, effectively pinning Luke’s arms to his sides. Luke moaned, letting his hands drop to Reid’s belt. He hooked his fingers through the loops and tugged until they were pressed against each other. Reid sighed, rotating his hips and feeling Luke respond to him. Luke took his hands away, shaking his arms until his jacket came off completely and fell on the floor in front of the couch.

Then they started to move. It wasn’t clear who was directing their path - if Reid was pushing or Luke was pulling. But eventually they slammed into the wall next to the hall. Pictures shook and the baby monitor tipped over on the table, but neither man noticed. Reid leaned against Luke, forcing his thigh between Luke’s legs. Luke’s knees went weak as he dropped his weight onto Reid’s leg. Grinding against Reid’s thigh, Luke panted in Reid’s mouth and pulled at his hair. Reid groaned when he felt how hard Luke was, and he began to worry he wouldn’t be able to last. Not with Luke like this, wanting him like this.

Reid spun away, putting distance between them as he tried to calm down, while at the same time grabbing onto Luke’s shirt and pulling him down the hall. Luke laughed as he stumbled, and then they practically ran. Reid led Luke into his room, closing the door quickly and then sitting down on the bed. Luke stepped up to the edge of the bed and looked down at Reid. He bit his lip, looking nervous for a second, and then he pushed Reid down and crawled on top of him.

Reid lifted his arms, wrapping them tightly around Luke’s back and holding him close. Luke’s hips never stopped moving, rolling against his in slow, steady waves. One of Reid’s hands slipped down, snuck underneath Luke’s waistband. He pressed the tips of his fingers hard against the swell of Luke’s ass, digging his nails into the skin. Luke moaned, obliging the unspoken request to push down on Reid harder. Reid slipped his middle finger between Luke’s cheeks, rubbing up and down along the top of the crease. Luke broke the kiss, his rapid breaths hitting Reid’s lips.

Reid opened his eyes and stared at the look of pure pleasure on Luke’s face. He lifted his free hand, tracing his fingers along Luke’s cheek and finally resting his thumb on Luke’s lower lip. Luke opened his own eyes, his blown pupils only half-focusing on Reid. He bent his head, taking Reid’s thumb lightly between his teeth and biting down. Then he closed his lips around the digit, soothing the slight sting with his tongue and then sucking. Reid groaned at the jolt of pleasure that went directly to his cock. He became, impossibly, harder.

And then Luke released him, rolling quickly to his side. Reid whimpered at the loss, but Luke barely noticed. He was incredibly focused on trying to get his shoes off. He tried kicking them off but they were tied too tightly. Luke muttered swear words that Reid would have bet good money Luke didn’t even know, sitting up slightly as he pulled them off. As soon as he had thrown the second one onto the floor, Reid decided he had been patient long enough. He lifted a hand to Luke’s chest, pushing him back down to the mattress. Luke propped himself on his elbows and smiled at Reid, almost bashful, as Reid dragged his hand down Luke’s torso. Reid grinned back at him. He eventually stopped at the top of Luke’s jeans. Working quickly, he unhooked the button and carefully lowered the zipper. Then he slipped his hand inside, wrapping his fingers around the length of Luke’s erection.

Luke fell completely to the bed, his head hitting the pillow. “Oh…oh God,” Luke moaned, squeezing his eyes shut.

Reid smiled at the reaction, tightening his grip as he stroked. He followed Luke’s wordless directions, altering his speed and angle in response to the motions of Luke’s hips. Luke reached one arm up behind himself to clench the pillow, his knuckles turning white. Reid looked down and watched Luke’s toes curl rhythmically. Luke let out a long, low moan, his hips rising off the mattress, and Reid immediately let go. Luke dropped back down, opening his eyes and staring at Reid in reproach. Reid smiled impishly. Then he turned away, rolling over and sitting up as he reached out for the nightstand.

“Take off your pants,” he said, his voice rough and unexpectedly loud. “Get undressed.”

Without even turning around, he could sense Luke’s offense. The instinctual desire to come back at Reid with some comment about not taking orders from him. Reid grinned at his predictability, and then grinned even wider when Luke gave in (also predictable). He could feel and hear Luke thrash around on the bed, taking his clothes off, as Reid fumbled inside the drawer. He had already found the lube, but where were the goddamn condoms?

His search became even more difficult as he felt arms wrap around his waist. Lips - slightly dry and cracked from all the heavy breathing - touched his neck. Luke sucked lightly, and then he bit down. Reid went limp and submissive, bending his head to the side and letting Luke work. Luke’s hands smoothed over his chest and stomach, working their way down to the hem of his shirt. Then Luke lifted the hem, pulling the shirt up and over Reid’s head. Luke threw it, and Reid watched as the garment fell to the floor between the bed and door. Luke, now on his knees, pressed his naked body against Reid’s back, and Reid could feel Luke’s arousal against the bumps of his spine.

Reid’s hands immediately went to his jeans, and he fumbled with the button. Finally, he got them open, lifting himself slightly as he pushed his pants and boxers off quickly. He looked to the side, seeing Luke in his periphery. Luke was leaning over, reaching in the drawer. He removed the lube and found the condoms almost immediately. And then he was out of Reid’s line of sight. Reid twisted, watching as Luke lay back down on the bed, situating himself comfortably. He had placed the supplies on the mattress next to him, and was now just staring at Reid. He traced his fingers lightly over his stomach, biting his lower lip as he watched Reid watch him.

Reid’s eyes traveled the length of Luke’s body, stopping for long moments when he got to areas that shut down his brain - the dip of his clavicle, his navel, the treasure trail of hair, his hard and leaking cock (obviously), his knee. And then Reid’s eyes moved back up, hypnotized by Luke’s hand as it moved back and forth across the muscles of his stomach. Reid swallowed.

“Reid,” Luke finally said impatiently.

Reid tore his eyes away, staring into Luke’s. They held each other’s gaze for a long beat, and then Luke smiled.

“Come on, already,” he ordered.

Reid rolled back over, hooking a leg around Luke’s. Now, skin against skin, they moved together urgently. Luke’s hands clutched at Reid’s back, fingernails scratching the skin as he scrabbled for purchase. Luke groaned, tilting his head back, pressing it deeper into the pillow. Reid leaned up to suck on Luke’s Adam’s apple.

“Fff - yes,” Luke muttered. “Please, uh - ”

Luke’s vocal cords vibrated in Reid’s mouth and against his tongue. Reid simply couldn’t wait anymore. Blindly reaching out, he found the bottle of lube on the mattress, snapping the cap off with his thumb. He squeezed some onto his fingers, rubbing them together quickly as he moved down and slipped his hand between their bodies.

He pressed the back of his hand to Luke’s inner thigh, and Luke spread his legs further. Reid couldn’t help but smile at the way they worked together, how Luke just knew what Reid was trying to ask him. It seemed almost too good to be true.

And then it was. He traced his finger along Luke’s opening, and Luke nearly dislodged Reid as he bucked. As soon as Luke had calmed a bit, Reid pressed in. Luke grunted, his muscles immediately tightening against Reid’s finger. Reid backed out temporarily and then tried again, looking up at Luke. Luke’s eyes were squeezed shut, a look of pained concentration on his face.

Reid surged upwards, kissing Luke on the lips. Luke kissed him back, and his eyes were open when Reid pulled away.

“Breathe, Luke,” he said. “Come on now; let me in.”

Luke panted, clutching at the back of Reid’s neck. He stared into Reid’s eyes and swallowed, and Reid felt the exact moment he relaxed. His finger slid in deeper, and Reid moved slowly, stretching him carefully before adding a second.

Luke continued to breathe heavily, his eyes somewhat wild as they held onto Reid’s. He arched up, moaning, as Reid slipped a third finger inside. When he dropped back down, taking Reid’s fingers in deeper, Reid could see Luke’s mouth was open in a wide O, but he wasn’t breathing.

“God, you’re tight,” Reid muttered. “When was the last time you did this?”

“With someone else?” Luke asked, breathless and laughing somewhat hysterically.

Reid smiled briefly, then turned serious. “Luke, how long has it been?”

“Twenty-two years,” Luke informed him quickly.

Reid stopped moving. He completely froze. He stared at Luke until Luke finally opened his eyes and looked back at him.

“What?” Luke exhaled.

“You’re a - you’ve never - ” Reid babbled.

Luke swallowed, suddenly looking nervous and childlike again. He nodded. Reid dropped his head forward, resting it in the groove between Luke’s neck and shoulder. He exhaled shakily, trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Luke had never…that he was Luke’s first, after all. Reid groaned, mentally naming each amino acid alphabetically as he struggled not to come at the mere thought.


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