Fabrication (14/27)

Aug 07, 2010 10:15

Luke tried not to panic as he waited for some further reaction from Reid. This wasn’t exactly how he’d planned on telling Reid. If he had needed to tell him at all, it was going to be as an apology after the fact, for not being all that great in bed. But things had seemed pretty great up until then, in Luke’s opinion. Reid had certainly seemed into it. And now he was just muttering nonsensically into Luke’s neck, his fingers still inside Luke but unmoving. Luke brought a hand up to Reid’s shoulder with a motion that was somewhere between a pat and a rub.

“Reid,” he said softly, curiously. And then louder, pleading, “Reid.”

Reid inhaled, lifting his head and staring at Luke, his eyes unreadable. Luke swallowed, and Reid’s gaze dropped to watch the actions of his throat.

“Please don’t - did you just say asparagus?”

“Asparagine,” Reid murmured.

Luke stared at him for a long beat. “OK,” he said, shaking his head and blinking. Then he continued, “Please don’t stop. I want this. I want you.”

Reid pushed his fingers in deeper, hooking them and stroking Luke’s spot. Luke’s mouth fell open and his eyes closed as he dug his fingernails into Reid’s shoulder. Before he could open his eyes again, Reid moved closer. Luke felt Reid’s lips meet his for a sloppy kiss.

“I couldn’t stop,” Reid informed him after he pulled away again. “Not if I wanted to. Not if I tried.”

And then they were moving again. Reid leaned in, kissing him deeply as he removed his fingers. He broke the kiss, looking to the side as he reached out for the condom. Bringing it to his mouth, he ripped a corner of the wrapper off with his teeth. Luke watched as Reid reached down, holding Luke’s eyes the entire time he rolled the condom on and slicked himself with the remaining lube on his fingers. Reid hooked an elbow underneath Luke’s thigh, and he responded by wrapping his legs around Reid’s waist and locking his ankles together.

Reid continued to hold his gaze as he pushed inside Luke, but eventually Luke himself had to close his eyes.

“Breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe,” Reid whispered urgently as he continued to steadily break through Luke’s resistance.

Luke finally gasped for oxygen, relaxing and opening himself as best he could. Soon, Reid was fully inside him, and Luke wrapped his arms and legs tighter around him.

“Stay; don’t move,” he commanded, his voice broken and raw.

Reid’s head dropped forward, his brow ridge resting on Luke’s clavicle. Then he lifted his head again, making eye contact with Luke. Luke nodded, and Reid pulled halfway out. He thrust in again, bringing a groan from deep within Luke.

Luke started to respond, rocking up to meet each slow thrust from Reid. He could feel the shaking in the muscles of Reid’s arms, could see the strain on his face from holding back. Luke moved his hands to Reid’s cheeks and pulled him into another kiss.

“More,” he muttered into Reid’s mouth. “Faster. Just…harder.”

“I don’t want - ” Reid said quietly.

“I won’t break,” Luke interrupted. “Please. I want you to. I want to feel you for days.”

Reid breathed out a laugh. “Trust me. You will.”

Luke didn’t bother responding, because despite his protests, Reid did begin to increase his pace, pulling out further and further, thrusting back in harder, hitting Luke in just the right spot every time. Luke hugged his arms tightly around Reid’s neck, kissing him as soundly as possible between his gasps and moans.

Reid’s angle of entry shifted suddenly as he leaned his weight to one side. He fit his other hand between them, finding Luke’s cock and stroking him. He had barely made it three beats before Luke fell over the edge, coming hard. The sight and sound of Luke’s orgasm, the feel of him around Reid, was too much. Reid grasped desperately at his control but was unable to stop his own release. He thrust one more time, deep into Luke, holding himself there as his whole body pulsed with pleasure. Then his arms gave out, and he collapsed onto Luke.

They both panted, moving their hands over each other’s bodies slowly and sensuously, not quite ready to let go. And then Reid pulled out, rolling onto his back. They lay side by side, breathing heavily as they slowly returned to coherent thought. Luke lifted a hand to his face, resting his palm over his eyes as he laughed in shock.

Reid turned to face him. “You’re really a virgin?” he asked, still slightly in disbelief.

“Not anymore,” Luke replied, laughing harder.

Reid laughed too, then. He turned away from Luke, staring up at the ceiling and shaking his head. After a few moments, Reid sat up, taking care of the condom and then leaning over to grab his boxers from the floor. He cleaned himself off, then focused on Luke. Luke, calmer now, watched as Reid wiped the cloth over his body. He bit his lower lip, nerves sneaking back in.

“So,” Luke asked softly. “What now? I mean, what’s the…what’s the etiquette for…should I leave or…?”

Reid turned to look at Luke. “Don’t make it so complicated,” he said. He collapsed back on the mattress and once he was situated, he bent his arm at the elbow, tilting it back until his hand landed on Luke’s chest. Luke reached a hand up, interlocking their fingers. “Just go to sleep,” Reid added.


Luke didn’t wake again until early in the morning. A hint of sunlight was just starting to peek in through the curtains. At some point during the night, someone had pulled the sheet up in his sleep, loosely draping it over both of their lower bodies. Luke was on his side now, and Reid spooned close behind him. Reid’s arm was around his waist, and their hands rested against each other on the mattress in front of Luke. He could hear Reid breathing deeply, and he could feel him pressing against Luke’s ass, hard in his sleep. Luke realized he was hard too, but it felt different from any other morning he’d woken up this way. It felt, somehow, meaningful. Luke smiled involuntarily, arching against Reid until he moaned in his sleep and pushed back.

Luke inhaled shakily, trying to identify what he was feeling. This was the first time he’d ever woken up with someone, and that someone happened to be Reid, the first man he’d ever -

Reid shifted, his breathing changing as he woke up. He stiffened for a moment, and then relaxed. He sighed, and Luke felt the puff of air hit the back of his neck and ruffle his hair.

“Morning,” Reid mumbled.

“Hi,” Luke replied. Then he closed his eyes with a wince. That sounded dorky.

Reid nuzzled his nose against Luke, before tilting his head so he could kiss the back of Luke’s neck. Luke’s eyes closed as his smile grew wider.

“How are you?” Reid asked softly. “Any…pain?”

Luke shook his head, although he wasn’t entirely sure that was true. Right now, his body felt boneless, pleasure rushing through him just from Reid’s proximity. If he tried to move, however…Luke disregarded the slight concern.

“I’m fine. I’ve - I’ve had things…my fingers and things…up there before,” he said, trying to sound casual. “Just not like that.”

Reid nodded. He dragged his hand away from Luke’s, smoothing his palm across the sheets until he hit Luke’s torso. Then he started to trace his fingers up and down Luke’s chest. Luke exhaled, squirming slightly at how ticklish but good it felt.

“When you said you’ve never…I mean, what are we talking about here?” Reid asked.

Luke didn’t answer for a long time, and he felt quite uncomfortable. Finally, he just said, rather clinically, “I’ve never had an orgasm in the presence of another person. I’ve never…I’ve never given someone an orgasm.”

Reid inhaled. “So you and Noah didn’t…or the matador?”

“The matador? Oh, him. No. No, it just never happened, OK? I’m 22; give me a break.”

“I just wished I had known. I would have - ”

Luke’s entire body stiffened. “Stopped?”

“Slowed down,” Reid replied quickly.

“I didn’t want you to slow down.”

Reid shook his head. “I just mean…I’m not really the best partner to have for a first time. I’m not - I’m not…you know, it should have been more…”

Luke’s heart was pounding. He felt really, really awkward and uncertain. “Relax,” he said quickly, trying to downplay Reid’s concerns. “It’s not like I expect you to propose now or something. It’s just sex.”

Reid was silent. Finally, he responded, his voice hard. “Right. Just sex. No big deal.”

Luke swallowed. No big deal?

He sat up quickly, wincing as his whole body protested the movement. Reid’s arm slipped away from him, while Luke briefly stared at the floor.

“I should go,” he said quietly. Then he leaned forward, grabbing his pants off the floor and quickly pulling them on. “I have to go.”

He continued to avoid looking at Reid as he found the rest of his clothes and dressed quickly.

“You want breakfast?” Reid asked hesitantly.

“No,” Luke replied. “I’ll…see you later.”

And with that, he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He didn’t see Reid fall back onto the bed and cover his face with his palms. He didn’t hear Reid’s sigh. Luke was too focused on getting out of there as soon as possible. He blushed deeply when he saw his jacket neatly folded over the arm of the couch, instead of on the floor where he expected it, and he realized Katie must know he had spent the night.

Luke grabbed his jacket quickly, walking over to the front door and pulling it open. Stepping into the hall, Luke closed the door and then took a moment to lean against it. The phrases no big deal and just sex chased themselves around and around his mind.

Luke wasn’t an idiot. He knew that most people could separate physical and emotional relationships. That there were things like fuck buddies and friends with benefits and one-night stands. Reid was older than him, mature and experienced, not one to lose his mind or heart over a…an encounter. Reid had admitted that he wanted Luke, but that didn’t mean he wanted a relationship. Luke had maybe imagined there was something more between them for a little while, but that could only be expected. It was his first time, and it was something exciting and new.

But he had at least discovered early enough how Reid felt about what happened the previous night, before Luke started talking about feelings or dates or something equally juvenile. They were friends (or something) and colleagues, and if that’s all Reid wanted while he was here in Illinois, fine. Hell, even if he wanted to…to spend the night together again, Luke could do casual. He could adjust his own feelings on the matter, and be an adult about this.


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